Cuz if you're not getting those leads, your competitors are

Attract More Highly Qualified Leads Through Strategic SEO & Website Copy

READY TO Get more highly qualified leads?

Get more traffic with less fuss...


Totally comfortable with DIY website copy or content creation, but you need some expert guidance? Then this is for you!


We'll work together to put your expertise into high value, keyword rich blogs and then repurpose them for multiple social posts.


Search Engine Optimization (aka pleasing the Google gnomes) meets personable-sounds-like-you words.


SIMPLE SEO Strategies that Have Worked for:

Homeschool Coaches
An Animal Supplement Company
A Pet Crematory
Traveling Speakers
Natural living experts
Web Designers
Fertility Coaches
Registered Dieticians
Wedding Planners (no, not JLo, darn)
An LED Lighting Consultant
A Wild Rag seamstress
Start Ups
A Systems Strategist
A Time Management Genius
A Home Inspection Business
A Scholarship Coach
Social Media Strategists
A Podcast Coach
Homeschool Coaches
An Animal Supplement Company
A Pet Crematory
Traveling Speakers
Natural living experts
Web Designers
Fertility Coaches
Registered Dieticians
Wedding Planners (no, not JLo, darn)
An LED Lighting Consultant
A Wild Rag seamstress
Start Ups
A Systems Strategist
A Time Management Genius
A Home Inspection Business
A Scholarship Coach
Social Media Strategists
A Podcast Coach

book a call

Learn what keywords are attainable for your business and have a plan to start getting the right traffic to your website right away.

(Traffic increase seen in as little as 30 days after implementation. Generally takes 3 months). 

Get the bones of your SEO strategy researched, written, done with you, and tied up with a neat little bow in 1 hour.

1 hr SEO Strategy Calls

book a call

book a call

Attract the right clients through a targeted, attainable SEO strategy. Get your SEO Strategy and Copywriting fully DONE in a day for your main 2-3 webpages. 

Includes in-depth keyword research for main 2-3 website pages, copy for main pages, and SEO blog strategy for next 4 blogs to start attracting the right traffic. Done in one work day and delivered within 48 hours.

$3,000 investment

High-converting SEO copywriting done in a day.

VIP Copywriting & SEO Days

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Get your full SEO Strategy done, mapped out, and seamlessly woven into SEO-friendly Copy for your main 3-5 pages or your entire website. 

Get your blog strategy- including click-friendly titles- for your next 4-8 blogs so you can keep that traffic coming.

Prices start at $5,000

Attract more highly qualified leads through strategic SEO, and then seal the deal with copy that speaks straight to their heart while they run to find their wallet.

Full SEO Copywriting

book a free call

Get 4-8 traffic-generating blogs written and uploaded for you.

Have website traffic reports that make sense with information and data relevant to your business explained to you every month.

Watch your website traffic go up and up and up while our team of experts-who-care take blog content creation off your plate so you can get back to running your business.

Monthly Blog Content Writing & Video or Podcast Repurposing

I'd dabbled in understanding SEO and keywords before but didn't really get it. After working with Faith I get it! Because Faith simplified it into a language I could understand—no SEO jargon or over-complicated strategies. Just straightforward, actionable advice that I could implement immediately. She literally held my hand and walked me through the process.

"Faith not only knows SEO, she understands the world of online business."

For a girl that has struggled for years with website traffic, this is huge for me. As an online business, these numbers aren't just stats; they're game-changers.

"I've seen a 25% increase in new users on my website within just three months of working with Faith."


I know, pressing "buy"  and just booking a copywriter would be way simpler. However, truth be told, to get the BEST bang for your buck and the best possible SEO and Copy strategy, you deserve a copywriter who you click with!

BOOK A Free Call