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woman riding horse to give tips on how to increase website traffic the easy way

Must Reads

Need an Easy Way to Increase Your Website Traffic? Here are 4 Lazy Ways!

I’m not lazy… I SWEAR that I am not. But when it comes to doing things the EASY way or the hard way, I’m gonna generally opt for the easy way (except for the fact that we have horses and I like to make most of my baked goods from scratch, but I digress). And […]


woman riding horse to give tips on how to increase website traffic the easy way

Must Reads

Need an Easy Way to Increase Your Website Traffic? Here are 4 Lazy Ways!

I’m not lazy… I SWEAR that I am not. But when it comes to doing things the EASY way or the hard way, I’m gonna generally opt for the easy way (except for the fact that we have horses and I like to make most of my baked goods from scratch, but I digress). And […]


woman riding horse to give tips on how to increase website traffic the easy way


Simplify Your Email Lead Magnet With These 3 Easy Tips

In online marketing- or really any marketing these days- building, nurturing, and getting sales from your email list is of TOP priority. With the ever-changing algorithms of social media, email is THE ONE WAY you have a direct line to your people. But HOW do you build an email list? Well, the first step is […]


woman riding horse to give tips on how to increase website traffic the easy way


Simplify Your Email Lead Magnet With These 3 Easy Tips

In online marketing- or really any marketing these days- building, nurturing, and getting sales from your email list is of TOP priority. With the ever-changing algorithms of social media, email is THE ONE WAY you have a direct line to your people. But HOW do you build an email list? Well, the first step is […]


woman with long hair sitting in a field surrounded by tall grass talking about the difference between organic and paid marketing

Grow Your Audience

Organic Marketing vs. Paid Ads. Which Is Better For Growth?

Let’s be real, we ALL have to market our businesses. Yes, word of mouth is POWERFUL and (probably the most powerful form of advertising there ever will be), but when it comes to EVERY other form of advertising, we are either paying for ads or taking advantage of organic marketing. But what should we focus on? As entrepreneurs or digital business owners, there is only so much time to DIY your marketing or only so much to spend on the marketing budget. I’m going to break down paid ads vs. organic marketing, how to use them to your advantage, the pros and cons of organic marketing or paid marketing, and what you actually need to grow your business. 


woman with long hair sitting in a field surrounded by tall grass talking about the difference between organic and paid marketing

Grow Your Audience

Organic Marketing vs. Paid Ads. Which Is Better For Growth?

Let’s be real, we ALL have to market our businesses. Yes, word of mouth is POWERFUL and (probably the most powerful form of advertising there ever will be), but when it comes to EVERY other form of advertising, we are either paying for ads or taking advantage of organic marketing. But what should we focus on? As entrepreneurs or digital business owners, there is only so much time to DIY your marketing or only so much to spend on the marketing budget. I’m going to break down paid ads vs. organic marketing, how to use them to your advantage, the pros and cons of organic marketing or paid marketing, and what you actually need to grow your business. 


woman with waist length dark blonde hair dancing in a field because she's so happy to teach Christian business owners how to get a vision for their business


How to get a big picture vision for your business

back, but now you don’t even remember what it was? In this podcast and blog, you’ll learn HOW to get a big picture vision for your business,  WHY it’s so vitally important to your success as an entrepreneur, and how it will help you have a life that you enjoy.


woman with waist length dark blonde hair dancing in a field because she's so happy to teach Christian business owners how to get a vision for their business


How to get a big picture vision for your business

back, but now you don’t even remember what it was? In this podcast and blog, you’ll learn HOW to get a big picture vision for your business,  WHY it’s so vitally important to your success as an entrepreneur, and how it will help you have a life that you enjoy.


woman typing on computer wearing turquoise and silver jewelry and a rust colored shirt

Personal Growth

How to Choose the Best Online Educator for You

The online world is buzzing with educators. 5-10 years ago, online courses weren’t even a thing unless you enrolled in the University of Phoenix. But today? I swear that I see a new online course or an entirely new-to-me- online educator advertised daily. And on the one hand, I think this is absolutely amazing! You can learn so many cool and specific skills from such a wide variety of people that you’re sure to find someone you jive with that can teach you exactly what you need to know. On the other hand, it can also be REALLY overwhelming. With so many online courses and online educators to choose from, how do you pick? How do you know which online educator is the best fit for you? Sit tight as we get into 9 things you should consider when choosing an online educator to give your hard-earned money to.


woman typing on computer wearing turquoise and silver jewelry and a rust colored shirt

Personal Growth

How to Choose the Best Online Educator for You

The online world is buzzing with educators. 5-10 years ago, online courses weren’t even a thing unless you enrolled in the University of Phoenix. But today? I swear that I see a new online course or an entirely new-to-me- online educator advertised daily. And on the one hand, I think this is absolutely amazing! You can learn so many cool and specific skills from such a wide variety of people that you’re sure to find someone you jive with that can teach you exactly what you need to know. On the other hand, it can also be REALLY overwhelming. With so many online courses and online educators to choose from, how do you pick? How do you know which online educator is the best fit for you? Sit tight as we get into 9 things you should consider when choosing an online educator to give your hard-earned money to.




Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.

Our Services

If if involves words, marketing, and helping you reach YOUR people with SEO friendly words that still actually sound like you, then there's a good chance we're a good fit to work together.

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10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Tired of so-so content? Or cough ,cough no content at all because you're so overwhelmed? Then this is the place to get started! As a *Professional* copywriter, these are 10 things I fix in my client's content all the time.