I’m not lazy… I SWEAR that I am not. But when it comes to doing things the EASY way or the hard way, I’m gonna generally opt for the easy way (except for the fact that we have horses and I like to make most of my baked goods from scratch, but I digress). And as much as I really do love SEO and all the benefits that it can provide your business (did I tell you about my IDEAL ideal client who found me through a Google search?) sometimes it can be time-consuming and feel like a lot of work. So here I have 4 LAZY hacks that WORK for more website traffic!

Increase Website Traffic with 4 Lazy Steps
1. Host booking links on your website
- This was one of those “oh DUH” moments for me a while back. I get a ton of leads from my podcast (thanks guys), but I was sending ALL of them to someone else’s site first because of how I was using my booking platform at the time.
- And THEN when I decided to change booking platforms, it was a pain in the butt to fix it. Someone on my team had to go through and replace all my previous links with the new ones. This doesn’t seem too bad….until you realize you have 150 podcast episodes, dozens of blogs, email templates, AND ALL THE THINGS!
- Solution: Send booking traffic to YOUR website- just have a place where you host booking links on your website, a booking page. I have a page that has all the things you can book…coaching calls, VIP Days, etc. on one page, that then links to individual call types on my current booking platform, Tidycal. This way, if I ever decide to switch booking platforms again, I only have to update one link for each type of call.
- Not only does this save a ton of time, effort, and money, but every one of those clicks generates traffic for my website. And since they’re already there, it’s giving them an opportunity to click around on my website more, sign up for a freebie, read a blog, whatever. Don’t waste valuable traffic! Get a booking page like mine: faithhanan.com/booking
2. Link directly to relevant content in these 3 places:
- Email- I always want a place for someone who is reading my emails to click and read some valuable content that’s relevant to the email they just read.
- Onboarding- link directly to your own blogs when you are onboarding a client. If you’re a photographer with a lead funnel, you can add a link to something like “How to Plan a Spring Outfit” or something like that. There’s no harm in giving people opportunities to consume more of your content.
- Social media content- It can be really easy to create a social media post based on a blog post and then link back to that specific post.
- Please, for the love, don’t send that valuable traffic to some weird Canva link or some “link tree” if you can avoid it. If you have a holistic content strategy (like you should) where everything stems from your website, then it should be really easy to link back to a specific blog on your website.
- You’ve already created the stuff. Don’t be afraid to market it again and let people know how it serves them.
- If you haven’t already downloaded my Content Repurposing Cheat Sheet, make sure to grab that, and use it to make all your content.
3. Repurposing Podcast/YouTube content
- You’re already doing the work to create great content, great workflow, and a great outline for your podcast or video. So it’s okay to repurpose it as a blog and then link the blog in the podcast or YouTube notes.
- And honestly, I don’t think that one form of long-form content is enough for most businesses any more. I go into this in more detail in Episode 170.
4. Add backlinks in client work (with permission)
- This is probably my favorite! When I do client work, it’s with and for people who I am proud to be working with- and I hope- vice versa. So ask if it’s okay to have some appropriately placed backlinks to your website and content.
- I love to ask if I can add a “proudly written by” line at the end of the content we’ve written. This absolutely does not hurt the client at all.
- Nobody expects that owners of large brands are writing all of their own content.
- Shows that you care enough to have your content written well and by professionals.
- It also shows that you’re not just using AI and slapping up a blog.
- Obviously, if you’re doing work for websites that aren’t so reputable, I would do this. Google will see the backlinks to shady websites and be like “Eh better not send them traffic.” But if you’re working with great brands (which I hope you are!) then I wouldn’t hesitate to ask if you can include a byline and link to one of your blogs.
Work Smarter, Not Harder and See Website Traffic Increase
So that’s it! 4 super easy ways to increase your website traffic without spending too much time or money! Get these things rocking and rolling to get more website traffic the lazy but easy way. First- host the booking links on your website. Second- link directly to relevant content in your emails, onboarding, and social media posts. Third- repurpose that podcast or YouTube content as a blog, and link it in the description. And number 4- ask your client’s for permission to backlink some of your content in an appropriate place.
And by the way, I currently have an opening for ONE more monthly content client. If you are struggling to keep up with blog creation and you’re ready to start spending your time on other things in your biz, let us take care of your traffic for you. Monthly content clients get human-written, SEO-friendly content, monthly analytics tracking and analysis, and my team of experts in your corner. You’re not handing things off to some random person you found on Fiverr- you’re getting our CARING, knowledgeable, can-get-RESULTS team (with receipts to prove it).
If you already have a podcast or a YouTube channel but aren’t repurposing that content strategically for a blog, reach out because we now offer that service as well! And it’s less of an investment because you are already creating the CONTENT, so we’re just repurposing it in a SEO-friendly way.
So if you’re ready to up your traffic, like up by 12,000% (no joke- one of our clients saw that kind of increase), then set up a discovery call! We’ll chat and just see if this is a good fit for you business. And if it isn’t, that’s ok! We had a really good 20-minute conversation over Zoom!
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