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woman riding horse to give tips on how to increase website traffic the easy way

Must Reads

Need an Easy Way to Increase Your Website Traffic? Here are 4 Lazy Ways!

I’m not lazy… I SWEAR that I am not. But when it comes to doing things the EASY way or the hard way, I’m gonna generally opt for the easy way (except for the fact that we have horses and I like to make most of my baked goods from scratch, but I digress). And […]


woman riding horse to give tips on how to increase website traffic the easy way

Must Reads

Need an Easy Way to Increase Your Website Traffic? Here are 4 Lazy Ways!

I’m not lazy… I SWEAR that I am not. But when it comes to doing things the EASY way or the hard way, I’m gonna generally opt for the easy way (except for the fact that we have horses and I like to make most of my baked goods from scratch, but I digress). And […]



Must Reads

5 Things Your Homepage Must Have to Maximize Revenue

As a professional website copywriter and content strategist, I often see so many amazing small businesses with fantastic products and a heart of gold to serve their customers, but their homepage copy is costing them SO many sales simply because they are missing 1 or all of these 5 things every homepage needs.



Must Reads

5 Things Your Homepage Must Have to Maximize Revenue

As a professional website copywriter and content strategist, I often see so many amazing small businesses with fantastic products and a heart of gold to serve their customers, but their homepage copy is costing them SO many sales simply because they are missing 1 or all of these 5 things every homepage needs.


Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth as a Mom? 5 Things I Know

I’ve gotta be honest. When I would read the scripture about “come unto me like a child” years ago I didn’t really give much weight to it. If you’ve been around here for a minute, you know that large groups of small children are NOT my thang. Gimme teenagers all day, but booger eaters in large quantities? Nope. I’m out. It honestly wasn’t until I had my own kids that this scripture started taking root and making me examine the way I approach my Heavenly Father. I mean, sometimes you just don’t know what you don’t know, right? But for those of you who are where I used to be (or maybe you never struggled with that) here is some fresh perspective on things my children have taught me about my relationship with God and spiritual growth and development.


Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth as a Mom? 5 Things I Know

I’ve gotta be honest. When I would read the scripture about “come unto me like a child” years ago I didn’t really give much weight to it. If you’ve been around here for a minute, you know that large groups of small children are NOT my thang. Gimme teenagers all day, but booger eaters in large quantities? Nope. I’m out. It honestly wasn’t until I had my own kids that this scripture started taking root and making me examine the way I approach my Heavenly Father. I mean, sometimes you just don’t know what you don’t know, right? But for those of you who are where I used to be (or maybe you never struggled with that) here is some fresh perspective on things my children have taught me about my relationship with God and spiritual growth and development.


Must Reads

11 Tips to Never Run Out of Content Ideas Again

Ever sit down to write and just stare at the blinking curser? You know that you NEED to post content. You understand the immense value of your small business having a blog and regular, valuable social media content. But you just don’t know what to write. “I don’t have anything to say,” you think. So you throw out a pic (because you know you need to post) and some random song lyrics and pray that the algorithm throws you a bone and gets your post in front of a few people. Can I let you in on a secret? Coming up with content ideas can really be easier than you think. Here are my proven ways to never, and I do mean never run out of content ideas.


Must Reads

11 Tips to Never Run Out of Content Ideas Again

Ever sit down to write and just stare at the blinking curser? You know that you NEED to post content. You understand the immense value of your small business having a blog and regular, valuable social media content. But you just don’t know what to write. “I don’t have anything to say,” you think. So you throw out a pic (because you know you need to post) and some random song lyrics and pray that the algorithm throws you a bone and gets your post in front of a few people. Can I let you in on a secret? Coming up with content ideas can really be easier than you think. Here are my proven ways to never, and I do mean never run out of content ideas.




Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.

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If if involves words, marketing, and helping you reach YOUR people with SEO friendly words that still actually sound like you, then there's a good chance we're a good fit to work together.

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10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Tired of so-so content? Or cough ,cough no content at all because you're so overwhelmed? Then this is the place to get started! As a *Professional* copywriter, these are 10 things I fix in my client's content all the time.