Copywriting Tips

3 Easy Tips to Get Unstuck & Write Website Copy That Sells

I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Gimme that

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It might seem a little weird for ME, a professional copywriter, to be talking about how to write your website copy by yourself. But truth be told, I understand that not everybody can afford a professional copywriter and that is okay. The fact of the matter is you need to be able to talk about your business in a way that sells what you do, regardless.

Even if you are in a place where you can hire a website copywriter, (and I’d love to be your gal, by the way) you still need to be able to talk about your business in a way that connects with your people and sells your stuff. Here are 3 easy peasy lemon squeezy tips to get you unstuck when sitting down to write website copy.

Bonus: A lot of these tips also work with SEO because they’re kind of interchangeable. You can’t separate good SEO and good website copy. Even if you have the most beautiful words in the whole wide world but nobody can find you, it won’t do you a lick of good. So here are 3 easy tips to get you unstuck on your website copy and SEO, even for a DIYer.


Write Website Copy With These 3 Easy Steps

1. Get Back to the Basics

Sometimes as business owners, we get so far above where our ideal client is that we forget how to speak their language. Not in a snooty-patooty way, but just because we are so deep IN IT. My number one tip for getting unstuck when writing your own website copy (or content for that matter) is to go back to the basics.

To get to that foundation, think about these three things:

  1. Why are you in business? Really, why are you in business? If this isn’t something that you have thought or journaled about in a while, maybe now is the time. Everything we do should be to glorify God in his kingdom, so if you need to, get alone with the Lord and get back to why you are in business and why this particular business. That will reignite your passion for your business and for the people that you serve, and get the words flowing.
  2. Think about who you like to serve. Go deeper than what their Starbucks order is, or what they buy at Target, please. Think about if your ideal client has certain hobbies, what type of personalities they might have, or even what stage of life they’re in (young and single and ready to travel? A frazzled mom trying to get through her day?). This can look pretty intimate if you are a service provider. You get to know your clients really well, they get to know YOU, and a relationship begins to build. Even if you are a product-based business, knowing the kind of person that you like to serve and the transformation that you get for them is HUGE.
  3. Try to break down your business into a level that a 4, 5, or 6-year-old can understand. A lot of times in our website copy we try to get what I call a little too highfalutin’. We try to get fancy with our words when in reality we just need to be clear. We need to simply explain how we get results for people. Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it to a 6-year-old then you really don’t understand it yourself.” Our clients aren’t dumb, but they’re not always well-versed in what we do. In order to sell your product or service, your future clients need to understand what you will do for them.

Getting Back to Basics Will Help

If words are just not coming to you when you sit down to write your copy, go aaaalll the way back to where you started. Think about WHY you are truly in this business and WHO you are serving (or want to serve). Then, break it down in SIMPLE terms. Remove the fluff, get to the nitty-gritty of why you started this journey in the first place, and you will find yourself getting unstuck.

2. Break Out the Pen & Paper

There is there is a connection between your brain and your little hands when you are physically writing, that just makes things fire differently than when you are typing. So step away from the computer and put the phone down (and on silent). Get a notebook and pen or a whiteboard, and physically write out ideas. I promise that you’re going to get your brain juices flowing. Before long you’ll start thinking about things that you maybe wouldn’t have otherwise thought about.


Sometimes when I am stuck on a client project or even my own internal business projects, the best thing I can do is get out the whiteboard and all my dry-erase markers, and I just start writing on my whiteboard. My husband will come in and just laugh at me and then turn around and walk out. He knows that the physical act of writing on a piece of paper or a whiteboard will get my brain flowing.

Yes, it’s inefficient. And no, I don’t care. IT. WORKS.
(I actually got this idea from Austin Kleon who wrote the book, Steal Like an Artist. In it he talks about having an entire technology-free desk.)

3. Think About the Benefits You Provide

If you’re stuck on your website copy, think about your ideal person’s problems, and then sell them the benefits, not the features. You can put the features elsewhere but don’t lead with that. Think through the benefits…how are you improving this person’s life if they buy from/hire you?

For example: If you sell washing machines nobody is going to care about how fast it goes on the spin cycle. They care about if it can get baby poop stains out of clothes. Or if you’re an accountant, write about how you save people from headaches, and spending hours pouring through tax laws.

Focus on how your business can actually make your client’s life EASIER, not just the pretty package it can come in. Remembering that will help the words for your copy flow.


Get Unstuck & Write Website Copy That Converts

Almost every small business owner has had to DIY their website copy at one point or another. There is no shame in that game, but I know from experience that sometimes the words get stuck, and you cannot figure out what to say.

Using these three simple tips will help you find the words to write great copy, and get the leads and sales you want! So, if you’re struggling with your copy remember to get down to the basics of your business. Explain in clear, concise words who you want to work for and why you want to do this work. Then step back from the screens and use some good ol’ writing tools to brainstorm. And don’t forget to think about the benefits of working with you/buying from you.

Wanna Hire a Professional to Write Website Copy?

If you are ready to have an SEO copywriter craft your custom website copy with you, book a website copy discovery call. We can see if we’re a good fit to work together. I am open and upfront about my prices so take a look at that on my website. I love being able to help you get the right words to describe your business, speak to your ideal clients, AND please the SEO gnomes. Because you should be able to get found on the internet for your thing. You should be popping up on the top search results for your thing. If you’re not your competitor is. So reach out if you’re ready to have a copywriter and SEO consultant all-in-one who cares deeply about your business.

And if you’re not at the place to be ready for that, it’s okay. I love you anyway. Take these tips, maybe listen to this episode of the podcast (Ep. 185), and use them to start crafting expert, SEO-friendly copy for your website. You got this.

Listen to the Podcast!

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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