I’m so excited to talk to you about prayer and scriptures for business owners…it’s been stirring in my heart for a hot minute, and the new year is a great time to jump in!
Did you know that God cares deeply about your small business?! Your business, work, and hobbies are all avenues that God uses to reach people and bless them. Whether your work is running your own business, working for somebody else, or being a stay-at-home mom…whatever your work is, God cares about it. He cares because he cares about YOU and because he cares about reaching people through what he has gifted you to do.
And honestly, I think for way too long there has been a big separation between work or business and our faith. And I am here to annihilate that separation in case you didn’t notice. God cares about your business because His heart has always, and will always, be for people! So let’s dig into 5 scriptures for business owners that you can partner with God on and pray over your business in 2025.
5 Scriptures for Business Owners
1. To Hear His Voice:
“The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27 AMP
I think that there’s this kind of misnomer in Christian circles that God doesn’t still talk to his people today. And that is incredibly false. That is a lie from the pit of hell. God longs to speak to you even more than you desire to hear him. God wants a relationship with you, and you can’t have a relationship with somebody that you never have a conversation with.
In Genesis, God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. It was an everyday part of their routine to speak with God and commune with him. Daily communication with God was the norm for which we were made. I’m gonna say that again:
Daily communication with God was the norm for which we were made.
Communication Doesn’t Have to Be Grand
All throughout scripture, we see all kinds of communication between God’s people and God.
- We see the big holy, “thus sayeth the Lord” prophetic messages in Isaiah and Jeremiah where they’re getting really detailed instructions from God.
- We see these Big Holy moments that feel too cool for little ol’ us, and we tend to think that’s how God speaks all the time.
- But we also see David essentially asking God, “Hey, how should I kill these bad guys” and Jonah whining about a plant dying, and guess what? God answers them too!
- God wants to speak to you even more than you want to hear from him. And I truly believe that it’s a complete game changer when we shift from, “Oh my goodness, God doesn’t want to talk to me,” to realizing that if you are his sheep, you are designed to hear his voice.
Just a little side note here, the voice of the Lord and the counsel of the Holy Spirit will always align with scripture. If you feel like you hear something from the Lord, verify that in scripture. It’s not gonna go against the counsel of the word of God.
2. To Glorify Him:
“For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” Romans 11:36 NIV
If you’ve never sat down and said, “Lord, this business is for you,” now is a good time to use these scriptures for business owners to do that. You are getting to use the gifts and talents from God to be used for Him and to be given back to Him. This business that you are trying to grow, streamline, or even just maintain, is from Him, for Him, and to Him.
When you take that posture of the open hand offering of your business, and your gifts up to the Lord, and say, “Lord, this is for you. Everything I have is from you, and for you, and to you. Lead me and guide me in it,” I’ve gotta think that blesses the heart of God so much. And it positions you better to hear from the Lord regarding your business (and everything else).
3. For Wisdom:
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.” James 1:5-6
Sometimes we have this idea that God doesn’t wanna help us, or he’s too busy for us. But guess what?That is 100% a lie from the pit of hell. God wants to give us the wisdom to do the work that he has for us to do. So if you need wisdom, ask! And then expect that you’re going to get it.
Guys, I pray for wisdom every single day, and I have for literally decades. ( I have a really awesome mama who taught me to pray.) It might feel like a little bit of a bold claim, but I call myself wise. *Gasp* Why? Because I’ve prayed for wisdom, I’ve asked God for wisdom, and I believe that he gives it to me. Plain and simple. If you’re gonna ask God for wisdom, then you better walk like you have it. Lean into God. Ask him for wisdom, but don’t waver. Believe His word when it says He will give you wisdom.
3. To Understand the Greatness of God
“Ever since I first heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for God’s people everywhere,[a] I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom[b] and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.[c] I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come.” Ephesians 1:15-21 NLT
I wanna encourage you to lean in and pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you would understand the greatness of god’s power for us who believe in Him. The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you as a child of God, and a follower of Jesus.
So you better believe that the same spirit of Christ who lives in you is gonna help you in:
- your business
- your parenting
- driving down the road and not screaming your head off at the driver next to you
- whatever it is you need help with, the Holy Spirit wants to help!
Use These Scriptures for Business Owners to Be Bold!
Lean in and ask God for a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you will know the hope to which He has called you. God wants to download wisdom, revelation, insight, and divine strategies from heaven into you to get out there into the world.
Don’t hold back on praying these bold prayers that might feel a little dangerous to the parts of us that wanna play small. He wants us to play big and use the gifts that He has for us.
5. To Be 10x More Capable
“Whenever the king consulted them in any matter requiring wisdom and balanced judgment, he found them ten times more capable than any of the magicians and enchanters in his entire kingdom.” Daniel 1:20
This is kind of a famous passage in Daniel that everybody likes to talk about at the beginning of the year. The Hebrew children were supposed to eat the same things that everybody else ate because they were being trained to lead the kingdom. But Daniel and the other Hebrew children said, “We’re not supposed to eat that, so please help us not to defile ourselves.” They found favor with the guy in charge, and so they only ate things that they were allowed to eat. Eventually the king consulted them and found them wise and capable.
That is because they had set themselves apart for the work of the Lord. They had set themselves apart and said, we are not going to defile ourselves with anything of this world because we’re here to serve God no matter what that looks like.
Being Capable Helps Spread the Word
I really believe that God wants to position His followers to be 10 times more capable than people who don’t know Him. He wants there to be a distinction between the children of God and the world, and being capable and wise is a great distinction. So as you’re using these scriptures for business owners to pray over your work, I want you to believe that God will help you. You’ll be bold and 10 times wiser because of His Holy Spirit working in and through you.
Let’s Use These Scriptures for Business Owners to Pray
Can I take a moment to pray over your business?
Father, what an awesome privilege it is to come into your presence, to pray. Lord, thank you for the blood of Jesus that makes it possible for us to come into your presence. And, Lord, right now, we just submit ourselves, everything that we have, everything that we are to you. Lord, we submit our businesses to you.
Father, you are Lord of Lord and King of Kings. Everything we have is yours. And Lord, I ask boldly that you would give us wisdom for our lives, wisdom for our work, wisdom for our worship, and wisdom for our business.
Father, I ask that we silence the voice of the world, tune into you, and just get supernatural downloads from heaven. I ask that you would give us a spirit of boldness so that we would not hold back on believing big and trusting you for who you are. And Father I ask that you would bore out our ears to hear your voice and that we would obey right away, fully and completely, whatever you tell us to do.
Father, I thank you for the gifts that you’ve given us. And for every person listening to this, Lord, I thank you for the gifts and the call that you’ve placed on their lives. Father, I rejoice that you love them so much more than I could ever express. I pray that you will help them to feel the love that you have for them. Lord, I pray that they would have an experiential knowledge of your love and understand the length and the height and the depth of your love for them. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
Join the 5 Day Prayer Challenge
I would love for you to join me for a 5 day prayer challenge. Just 5 days of scripture and prayer starters and practical applications sent straight to your inbox, just to help you set the tone for your business stepping into this next year. Go to faithhanan.com/prayer and sign up for it. You’ll automatically get everything sent straight to your inbox one day at a time to help you get going on the right foot, and really invite God into your business. Be blessed, friends.
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