Personal Growth

5 Self Reflection Questions to Ask Yourself Each Year

I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

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“An unexamined life is not worth living”


For years I have loved this quote, and honestly, it’s a little harsh, but man it’ll make you stop and do some serious self reflection. As humans, we are creatures of habit, unless something comes to shake us up or we intentionally examine our lives, habits, goals, and trajectory we’ll likely be the same in 10 years. Without self reflection, we’ll be doing the same thing in 10 years that we’re doing now. Personal growth of any kind takes intentionality.

As we close out the year and prepare for a new year, here are some great self reflection questions to ask yourself, journal about, and even discuss with your inner circle peeps. Oftentimes, they will see an area of strength or weakness that we might not otherwise catch.


Remember to do this with a posture of mercy, grace, and humility. God’s first response to our mistakes is mercy. If you’ve done really poorly in an area, repent, ask for God’s grace to help you do better, get up and go on. If you have done great in an area, Praise God for his help there and make sure to keep a teachable and pliable attitude. God is even more invested in your growth than you are, and He is committed to see it through to the finish.

1. THE most important self-reflection question to ask is this: Do I know Jesus better now than I did a year ago?

This is honestly the most important question that I ask myself. If the answer is yes, then I will ask the Holy Spirit how I can press in more. If the answer is “no” then I’ll repent and ask how I can do better and establish a specific plan.

2.    How well am I loving my people?

Jesus boiled all of the law down into two basic commandments: love God and love people. If we fail to grow in either area, it will hinder our spiritual progress and ability to reach people for Christ. How well am I loving and serving my husband? How well am I loving and training my children? My family and friends? Am I listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit about how to love strangers I meet?

3.    Am I multiplying the gifts that I have?

“The one who manages the little he has been given with faithfulness and integrity will be promoted and trusted with greater responsibilities.

But those who cheat with the little they have been given will not be considered trustworthy to receive more” 

Luke 16:10 TPT

I’m part of the way through John Bevere’s newest book” X” and I’m absolutely blown away. I’ve read and studied about calling, pursuing your passion etc. for years. It’s truly one of my heart’s passions. However, in his book he brings out that faithfulness, in God’s eyes truly encompasses multiplication! If we are not multiplying the gifts God has given us, then we are in disobedience. Boom. That’ll make you re-evaluate.  

 If I desire to be trusted with more, I need to honestly evaluate how faithful I have been with what I already have.

I recommend self reflection in the following areas:

       Physical Body– am I taking care of myself physically in a way that’s realistic for the season I am in?

       Finances: Am I tithing faithfully and budgeting every month? Are we being led by the Holy Spirit in our financial decisions?

       Home: Am I cultivating an atmosphere of peace and joy and creating a beautiful space that we enjoy?

       Job: Do I do my work as unto the Lord? Am I intentionally getting better at what I do?

       Talents & Passions– What have I done in the last 365 days to get better at what I’m gifted to do and use it to serve others?

 Struggling to see your non church work as ministry? Listen to this podcast

4.    Can I realistically keep up at the pace I am going for 10 years and still live a healthy and obedient life?

I truly believe that being over-committed and not having enough margin in our lives is one of the main contributors to burnout. Yes, there will be seasons that are more full than others, but overall our pace should be sustainable for the long-haul. If you couldn’t sustain your current pace for a decade, you should maybe re-evaluate.


5.    Am I using my God given gifts and talents in a way that brings glory to His kingdom?

Strength is for service, not for status. (Romans 15:1a Msg)

Romans 15:1a Msg

We have all been given gifts. Regardless of whether we choose to use them to bless others and build God’s kingdom, those gifts are our to do with as we like. If I am good at something, I should be using it with the heart to serve others, whether that is in business, ministry, or volunteer work. Each one of us has been given something that is integral to the Kingdom of God whether or not our work is in full time ministry or not. (Again, highly recommend X here). So ask yourself, am I using my gift to build God’s kingdom or my own kingdom?

 Christian business owner? 3 easy ways to love your customers better.


At the end of the day, progress is still more important than perfection. No one is going to be able to answer all of these questions perfectly, and that’s ok. The point here is to slow down and notice.  See an area that needs some more attention? Set a specific goal for next year that addresses it, and check back in a few times throughout the year to see how you’re doing. I truly believe in you and in the God-given grace on your life to move forward and step into all that He has for you. Use these questions as a launching pad into better goal setting and a more intentional life.  

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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