Blogging Tips

7 Content Creation Tips If You’ve Fallen off the Content Wagon

Woman riding a dark bay horse in a western saddle
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Gimme that

TOp categories

Have you fallen off the content creation wagon? Meaning the last time you created meaningful content consistently was…. You don’t even remember when? Hi <raises hand> me too. Between raising two littles, a death in the family, grieving and keeping up with client work (which I love) I simply haven’t given much time or energy to creating and publishing my own content consistently for a few months. If that’s you too (for any reason), I want to remind you: it’s ok. First and foremost, sometimes there are more important things than posting consistent digital marketing content. Certainly, I would hope when forced to choose between being there for our in the flesh people and creating consistent digital marketing content, we would choose our real flesh and blood peeps. But I ALSO want to give you some tools and a strategy to get back on the content wagon to create consistent, compelling content that will move the needle forward for your biz and goals. 

1. Re-evaluate your content pillars

  • Ok, be honest here. Do you have intentionally chosen content pillars, or are they random with little thought except “well, I need to sell this” and “this is what I’m doing right now?”
  • If you have intentionally chosen content pillars, are they still the things you need to and want to be talking about? Often times, as our businesses evolve, we often feel stuck because we have created these boundaries for our businesses that no longer fit. 

2. Create content with your goals in mind

  • Do you want to promote a new offer? Sell a digital course? Do you want to promote the importance of coaching and ultimately sell more coaching spots? Or maybe NONE of those things are your goals. And that’s okay too! 
  • If you want to avoid content creation burnout, you absolutely have to create with YOUR goals in mind so that you’re not just spinning your wheels.  

3. What kind of content creation rhythm is realistically sustainable for you?

  • Some bloggers can churn out one blog per day. (Seriously, if that’s you, props.) I cannot. That’s absolutely unrealistic for me and the season that I am in. If I were to hold myself to an unsustainable rhythm and someone else’s definition of success, I would be constantly overwhelmed or frustrated. 
  • Figure out what a good rhythm is for you, and then stick to that!

BTW if you’re not repurposing your content, they you are working WAYYYYY too hard

4. What kind of content do you enjoy creating?

  • Let’s be real, there’s nothing more draining than pouring hours and hours into creating on a platform or for an audience that you don’t enjoy. 
  • While I am always a proponent of putting your efforts into building content on a platform that you own (ie, your website), I also understand that sitting down and typing out a blog is painful for some people (I can help you with that, btw). So maybe a podcast is a better option for you. On the other hand, maybe you need to pay someone to create content for you. 

Need content ideas? I gotchu. 11 Tips to NEVER Run Out of Content Ideas

5. Give yourself more time and grace than you think you need to get back to consistent content creation.

  • Getting back into the swing of things is hard and sometimes harder than you might think. Give yourself grace. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your business’s content library. 

6. Just re-start your content creation!

  • Seriously, just start. Don’t overthink it. Just jump back in. Don’t worry yourself about whether or not people will think you’re a flake for taking a break. 

7. Be real with your audience without giving all the details

  • I’m not a fan of emotionally vomiting online. Seriously, save that for your therapist, spouse, or bestie. But not your social media or blog following. 
  • However, I do believe that you should be authentic with your audience. You CAN be authentic without giving all of the personal details you should reserve for your in-real-life people. 

In the end, your content should support your business and life, not suffocate it. If you took a break from creating content and are ready to start back up, use these tips to get back on the content wagon. And if you need an outside eye or expert opinion, let’s chat about getting you set up for a content strategy session where you’ll walk away with a strategy, posting plan, and keyword research. 

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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