Blogging Tips

7 Ways to Repurpose 1 Blog Post

woman sitting on a hay bale, working on website copy on a Macbook
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Gimme that

TOp categories

Let’s talk about repurposing your blog content. If you are like most small business owners, content creation stresses you out. What do you write about? How often should you post? And then once you finally DO create something and hit publish, you are just onto the next thing. Content creation can EASILY feel like a hamster wheel of never-ending work and minimal reward if you’re not careful. Can I let you in on a secret? You’re doing it wrong. Not only should content creation NOT be stressful, but you should also be repurposing your content in MULTIPLE ways.

I vividly remember hearing Jenna Kutcher say in a podcast that on AVERAGE only 6% of your Instagram following even sees your content! And according to social pilot, the average engagement rate for all post types is 0.96%. While it’s easy to feel like a broken record for talking about the same piece of content multiple times, don’t. And truth be told, most of your audience, (except maybe your mom and your best friend) are even paying that close of attention to your content to notice if you posted the exact same caption more than once. ways. But don’t worry, I’m not going to overwhelm you with all that today. Instead, to get you started, here are 7 easy ways to repurpose one blog. 

7 Easy Ways To Repurpose Your Blog Post

1. Send your blog to your email list

  • This should go without saying, but I know for a fact this is often overlooked in my world.
  • Your email list is full of people who already like you and care what you have to say. Don’t take a chance that the content you worked so hard to create won’t get in front of their eyeballs. Send it to them! Automate it or make it part of your workflow.
  • *Pro tip* Don’t just drop the link in an email or copy and paste the whole blog (def made that mistake). Nurture your email list extra by including extra tips, a fun additional story, or deeper insight that goes along with the blog topic.

2. Make a Reel (or ticktock) video with the tips that you share

Fact, these may not be the trendiest videos that make your social media posts go viral. However, they can be valuable for conversion and take advantage of social media’s “know-like-trust” aspect. 

Obviously, you won’t be able to go into depth about your supa helpful tips in 60seconds, but you can at least give people the headlines in your latest blog post and let them quickly decide if it’s worth their time to read the whole thing.

Need help coming up with content ideas? Here are 11 Tips to Never Run Out of Content Ideas

3. Create a quote graphic from a powerful quote in your blog

Quote graphics do great on Instagram. They are quick to consume and easy to share. They don’t take a ton of brainpower to understand, AND if they are designed well, most people enjoy having something “pretty” to share in their stories. Additionally, having a quote graphic in your actual blog helps to break up the text and give you one more image to pin to Pinterest.

4. Repurpose your blog into a long form or live video

  • More and more content consumption is happening via video. and as much as my writer’s heart hates to admit it, if you are going to have a sustainable content strategy, it needs to include some form of video element. Personally, I think the thing that draws people to video over static photos or only written blogs is video’s “realness” factor. With video, they can see your face, hear the inflections in your voice and feel like they know you more so than with just a written blog post. 
  • Because of the “realness” appeal of video, don’t feel like you have to create highly edited and polished video content. Obviously, don’t ramble and have a clear content plan with everything you produce, but don’t feel the need to overly polish and edit. 

5. Turn your blog into Pinterest Pins

  • Did you know that Pinterest functions much more like a search engine than a social media platform? AND the content that you create and publish (correctly) to Pinterest has a shelf life of months and even years compared to social media posts shelf life of hours. Put that content to work for you in an evergreen way instead of letting it just live and die on social media.
  • Sarah Motes is a Pinterest Expert for Service Providers and she’s helped me uplevel my own Pintererst Strategy. Check out her resources for in depth Pinterest training.

6. Repurpose some of your written content for captions

  • You know those words on your blog that you worked so hard to craft. They should be used repeatedly. Do not, I repeat, do not, let those words live and die in your blog. Reuse. Repurpose. Recycle.
  • *Pro Tip* A well crafted introduction almost always makes a stellar caption that (when used with a clear call to action) will drive people to your blog post.

Could your content use an upgrade overall? Check out 10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content.

7. Repurpose your blog into interactive content in your stories

It is no secret that we all LOVE sharing our opinions. I personally always find it fun when people re-hash their content in stories and ask for interaction. The best part about this approach is that you get the opportunity to engage with your audience and strike up a conversation! 

*Pro Tips- don’t just throw up a poll and ask if people have read your latest blog. Ask a specific question that you address in your blog. 

I’m a firm believer that we should always be striving to work smarter, NOT (just) harder. And when it comes to content creation, this is literally something that I am thinking about All. The. Time. Would you believe me that these repurposing strategies are literally just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to repurposing high-value content? On average, I can come up with 10-15 different ways to repurpose one piece of content for myself and my clients. Don’t let that intimidate you though. Start here and snag this freebie for more tips on easily improving your content.

Not sure what to write about that will actually increase traffic and help your SEO? Schedule a coaching call now!

Pin and use this as a guide to repurpose your next blog!

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  1. […] BTW if you’re not repurposing your content, they you are working WAYYYYY too hard […]

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


Ready to step up your content game?

Snag this freebie as my gift to you! 10 Tips to Massively (and easily) Improve Your Content.

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