How much TIME should you spend on blogging? I am constantly hearing that blogging takes too much time. I absolutely know what you mean. Blogging is your investment in your business and investments take time. What if I said that it doesn’t have to take a lot of time? I’ve got 5 time-saving tips to create blog content for your website.
That’s right. I’m going to break down the basic flow of creating a great blog that serves your people with helpful content. Trust me, these tips will make your blogging workflow work well.
Blogging does take time. It’s why batching your work makes sense. It will save time. The basic workflow of blogging follows 8 steps:
- Have an idea
- Verify the idea
- Plan Plan Plan
- Research
- Outline
- Writing
- Optimization
- Marketing
When it comes to blogging you have one crowd of people that love blogging and the other side that doesn’t. In my expert opinion, blogging is essential to get your site found on the world wide web. Why? Blogging allows your people to find you every time you hit publish. It also tells Google that you are producing valuable content regularly. Blogging will take time, but if you follow these guidelines, you’ll see these time-saving tips means they won’t take too much of your time.
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Here are 5 Time Saving Tips for Your Blogging Workflow.
1. Plan Ahead
Figure out what your blog content should be. What will drive people to your website?
2. Batch Work Everything You Can
I’m just going to say it. You need to batch everything. Batch work saves you time in the end.
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3. Create A Workflow
Create a workflow and create a link for each task. You can use sites like Meister Task or Trello. When you create links there is no guesswork. You know what the next step is and what you need to do.
4. Set Realistic Time Limits On Each Step And Stick To Them
Time yourself within each of your steps. Use Toggl or similar programs to keep track of your time.
5. Evaluate Holes And Time Suckers And Then Streamline
Evaluate all the times you have logged. What steps can use some streamlining? What steps are taking longer than others? Once you figure out the time suckers, you can streamline the whole process. This will run it efficiently.
Blogging isn’t scary, and I hope these tips alleviate any worry you may have. Follow these easy tips and, before you know it, you’ll be a blogging pro in no time. Blogging truly is the best way to market yourself and with these time-saving tips, it won’t take much time. Let’s get found on the internet.
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