Keyword Tips

Use Keywords in These 7 Places and Increase Organic Traffic

keyword tips from woman with turquoise rings typing on a macbook tips to optimize your website with SEO friendly copy
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Gimme that

TOp categories

woman with long dark haor, smiling and leaning forward into her hand happy to teach keyword placement for more website traffic

Where should you use keywords? Is the whole keywords & SEO business confusing? If your answer is “YESSS,” then KNOW that you are NOT alone. One of the questions I get the MOST is, “Where should I put keywords?”  And I get it, there’s a lot of Urkle-level info out there about keywords and SEO. And after you’ve gone to all the work to research your keywords, now you’re left wondering, “well, where do I put them?” GREAT question. Allow me to walk you through 7 Places to use your keywords so that you can start generating more leads and sales from your website. 

Spoiler Alert– BEFORE you start throwing keywords up on your website all willy-nilly, you MUST do your research. Because if you’re not using the RIGHT keywords with the RIGHT search volume for your business and your customers, it won’t matter. 

Check out this podcast and this blog for more information on how to do keyword research.

digital marketing tips

And if you’re like, “KeyWhats? I cannot.” Let’s get you on the books for an SEO and Keyword Coaching Call. I’ll sit with you for one hour and we’ll get the right keywords that YOU need to be going for and a strategy to start improving your SEO. 

Book Your SEO & Keyword Coaching Call

And btw… If you’ve made a BUNCH of keyword and SEO mistakes, ME TOO! Check out this podcast episode and this blog for a FEW of the dumb SEO things I did.

What about keyword placement, aka WHERE should you put keywords?

Errrrwhere- well …not really

1. In your Page titles

  • This gives Google MORE relevant info to index you with AND helps people know immediately if YOU are a good fit for them which, in turn, helps lower your “bounce rate” or how quickly people leave your site.

2 . In your blog titles

  • GONE are the days you could just write a blog because you felt like it, post it, and get eyeballs on it. 
  • We HAVE to create blogs centered around keywords and questions that people are asking if we want to get traffic, BUT it doesn’t have to be robot-sounding. 
  • Place your keywords as close to the front of the title as fits and flows

Check out Episode 10 // How to Write SEO-Friendly Copy Without Sounding Like a Robot

tips for how to use keywords graphic

3. Have keywords in your blog headings

  • It sounds silly, but it took me LONGER than it should have to learn this. 
  • But this helps your content to be seen as more relevant and rank higher, because google sees that you are using that keyword phrase in important places of your text, so the content is more likely to actually BE about that phrase.

4 . The H1 Title Text on EACH page should have keywords

  • Each page on your website has an opportunity to rank! Yay! But that also means that you need to use keywords strategically on each page
  • Google gives each page one block of H1 text (some website platforms call it Title text)
  • Make sure there are some keywords there without keyword dumping.  

5. Use keywords in your Bio’s and descriptions

  • Listen… if you’re on the internet for business, you need to be ON IT for business. No more “I like long walks on the beach and fluffy cats” taking up valuable real estate on your bios. NO. Tell them people what you do and how you can HELP them! 

6. Name pictures on your website with relevant keywords

  • Again, this is not the place to keyword dump. Do not throw every keyword known to man in that photo name and pray that Google notices you. Use a keyword phrase relevant to the topic that you’ve already vetted through your initial research. 

7. Pinterest Pin Titles

  • Now, sorry to tell you this, but you need a slightly different keyword strategy for Pinterest. 
  • Ultimately pinterest is more of a search engine than a social media platform and they do work a little differently than google. 
  • As you dig into Pinterest and do your keyword research for that platform, just make sure to add those keywords and their volume to your keyword spreadsheet so you don’t have to duplicate your work!

There you have it! 7 Places that you REALLY need to USE your keywords!

And if you’re not sure about which keywords YOU should be using, schedule a free 15 minute discovery call and quick website keyword audit.

Or get straight to the business of fixing your SEO so that you can start getting more leads and sales from your website and book a coaching call.

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woman saddling horse soon to teach keyword tips and how to use keywords for organic marketing strategies
What are Keywords?

Keywords are highly searched words or phrases used to describe the content of a blog post, article, video, or podcast that should give the end user an idea if their search query results will answer their questions.

Where should I do my keyword research?

There are many keyword research tools available. Some are free. Most are paid. My personal favorite keyword research tool is Ubersuggest.

Do I need keywords on my website to get found on Google?

Yes! Keywords are important for a great SEO strategy and digital marketing plan.

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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