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Keyword Research: How to Do Keyword Research & How it Will Save You Time

copywriter and marketing coach wearing turquoise rings typing on a macbook
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Gimme that

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Are you confused about keyword research? Wonder why it matters, how to do it, not to mention WHEN are you going to do it? No worries, pal. I’m going to walk you through WHY keywords matter, how to do it, and give you some gangbuster tips to help that keyword research work FOR you and save you time!

Listen to the Podcast or Read the Blog Below

What are Keywords?

  • Keywords are ideas and topics that define what your content is about. In terms of SEO, they’re the words and phrases that searchers enter into search engines,  (Moz)

Why do keywords matter?

  • Ultimately you want your website to be found by the RIGHT people for the RIGHT things. You want your goods or services to “pop up” when they are searching for whatever it is you sell.
  • Keyword research doesn’t have to be scary or complicated. Really, the goal is to figure out which keywords or keyword phrases people are actually using when they search for whatever goods or services that you offer.
  • Because sometimes the words you *think* they are using are not actually the words they are using

How to do Keyword Research

1. Brainstorm keywords into these three buckets to get started

  1. Products you sell
  2. Problem you solve
  3. The Person who you’re selling to

2. Use one of my favorite keyword research tools

There are a ton of different keyword research tools out there. I would be lying if I said I have tried every single one (though I’m sure I will eventually). However here are my top recommendations based on price and learning curve.

  • Moz- 10 free searches per calender month. PRICEY at $179/month
  • Keywords everywhere- there’s a free browser extension. Not my favorite. You can buy credits to do research. But it’s not super straightforward
  • SEMRush-little bit complicated to figure out, but not horrible. I’m working on learning it more and ill probably invest in it for certain projects. You can do some stuff on there for free, but the paid version is STEEP.
  • Ubersuggest is my favorite keyword research tool. Fav McFav- hands down.
    • I have the paid version- which you can purchase for $290 for a lifetime license.
    • However, you can also do 3 free searches/day or utilize their free google chrome plug-in.
    • They also have an option for a monthly subscription for $30 that you could get away with if you’re just doing your own keyword research and plan out your content way in advance.

Read: How to Write SEO-Friendly Content Without Sounding Like a Robot

3. Take the time to do in-depth keyword research

  • Here is why a little more in-depth research is important- because sometimes the words you think people are using, is not the words that they are actually using
  • If you are using the wrong words (different words than people are typing into their search bar) then they won’t find you. And if they cannot find you, then they cannot PAY you.

4. Save time and create a keyword bank or spreadsheet

  • Keep them organized by category/content pillar
  • You’ll know what keywords to create content around
  • You’ll know HOW to phrase your titles- for podcasts, blogs, social media content
  • And then, when you go to market your content, you don’t have to dig. The work has already been done for you

If you book a Strategic Marketing Breakthrough Call with me, we’ll walk through all of this together (plus more) and I’ll create a keyword starter kit FOR you, so you’ll not only have this spreadsheet that I’m talking about but keyword-rich titles for upcoming content. 

Keyword research and writing keyword rich content is definitely an art and a science, so don’t beat yourself up if it takes you a bit to get the hang of it.

For a more in depth discussion of keyword research, listen to the podcast and let us know what other questions YOU have about keywords and SEO so that we can help you SCALE your online business!

Pin this blog and save for your next keyword strategy revamp.

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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