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woman with long hair sitting in a field surrounded by tall grass talking about the difference between organic and paid marketing

Grow Your Audience

Organic Marketing vs. Paid Ads. Which Is Better For Growth?

Let’s be real, we ALL have to market our businesses. Yes, word of mouth is POWERFUL and (probably the most powerful form of advertising there ever will be), but when it comes to EVERY other form of advertising, we are either paying for ads or taking advantage of organic marketing. But what should we focus on? As entrepreneurs or digital business owners, there is only so much time to DIY your marketing or only so much to spend on the marketing budget. I’m going to break down paid ads vs. organic marketing, how to use them to your advantage, the pros and cons of organic marketing or paid marketing, and what you actually need to grow your business. 


woman with long hair sitting in a field surrounded by tall grass talking about the difference between organic and paid marketing

Grow Your Audience

Organic Marketing vs. Paid Ads. Which Is Better For Growth?

Let’s be real, we ALL have to market our businesses. Yes, word of mouth is POWERFUL and (probably the most powerful form of advertising there ever will be), but when it comes to EVERY other form of advertising, we are either paying for ads or taking advantage of organic marketing. But what should we focus on? As entrepreneurs or digital business owners, there is only so much time to DIY your marketing or only so much to spend on the marketing budget. I’m going to break down paid ads vs. organic marketing, how to use them to your advantage, the pros and cons of organic marketing or paid marketing, and what you actually need to grow your business. 


woman with long brown hair sitting on a hay bale staring off into the distance smiling

Grow Your Audience

Marketing Too Stressful? 5 Product SEO for Better Sales

Struggling to get online sales? Do you want your products found? You can list your products to have them found easier. Did you know you can actually get more traffic to your products (or not) based partly on how well you optimize your product SEO?  There’s a lot that goes into optimizing your products for […]


woman with long brown hair sitting on a hay bale staring off into the distance smiling

Grow Your Audience

Marketing Too Stressful? 5 Product SEO for Better Sales

Struggling to get online sales? Do you want your products found? You can list your products to have them found easier. Did you know you can actually get more traffic to your products (or not) based partly on how well you optimize your product SEO?  There’s a lot that goes into optimizing your products for […]


Overhead image of a woman typing on a macbook computer

Copywriting Tips

Optimize Website SEO 5 Easy Tips to Improve Your Website SEO in 1 Hour

Let’s talk about optimizing website SEO. Did you know that you can actually put your website to work FOR you? And while there are certainly lots of complicated and Uber-Nerdy techy behind-the-scenes things that you could pay someone lots of dollars to fix for you, there are ALSO some very simple things that you can DIY to massively improve your website SEO.


Overhead image of a woman typing on a macbook computer

Copywriting Tips

Optimize Website SEO 5 Easy Tips to Improve Your Website SEO in 1 Hour

Let’s talk about optimizing website SEO. Did you know that you can actually put your website to work FOR you? And while there are certainly lots of complicated and Uber-Nerdy techy behind-the-scenes things that you could pay someone lots of dollars to fix for you, there are ALSO some very simple things that you can DIY to massively improve your website SEO.


western vintage leather purse sitting on a haybale by a woman Christian business coach teaching lead generation strategies

Grow Your Audience

7 Genius and Free Tips for Lead Generation and Audience Growth

Is it possible to have an audience growth strategy and lead generation plan that doesn’t require spending a BUNCH of money on ads? Well, I’m a firm believer that it’s not only possible but kinda fun-in a weird “fit the puzzle pieces together” kind of way. If you are struggling to get your content in front of more people, whether it is growing your Instagram following, your email list, or getting more organic traffic to your website, these 7 tips (and one mindset shift) will help you grow your audience with the right people and ultimately generate more leads!


western vintage leather purse sitting on a haybale by a woman Christian business coach teaching lead generation strategies

Grow Your Audience

7 Genius and Free Tips for Lead Generation and Audience Growth

Is it possible to have an audience growth strategy and lead generation plan that doesn’t require spending a BUNCH of money on ads? Well, I’m a firm believer that it’s not only possible but kinda fun-in a weird “fit the puzzle pieces together” kind of way. If you are struggling to get your content in front of more people, whether it is growing your Instagram following, your email list, or getting more organic traffic to your website, these 7 tips (and one mindset shift) will help you grow your audience with the right people and ultimately generate more leads!




Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.

Our Services

If if involves words, marketing, and helping you reach YOUR people with SEO friendly words that still actually sound like you, then there's a good chance we're a good fit to work together.

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10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Tired of so-so content? Or cough ,cough no content at all because you're so overwhelmed? Then this is the place to get started! As a *Professional* copywriter, these are 10 things I fix in my client's content all the time.