Let’s talk about optimizing website SEO. Did you know that you can actually put your website to work FOR you? And while there are certainly lots of complicated and Uber-Nerdy techy behind-the-scenes things that you could pay someone lots of dollars to fix for you, there are ALSO some very simple things that you can DIY to massively improve your website SEO. Now, granted, some of these tips may take a simple youtube search or a quick duck into your website host help section for an international tutorial, but I truly believe that if you’re already clear on who your business serves, your brand messaging, and of course your keyword strategy, these are tips that you can implement in an hour or less!
1. Clarify Your Above-The-Fold Text on Your Homepage
Your “above-the-fold section” is the section of any page on your website that viewers can see before they start to scroll.
- This is where you must be SUPER clear on HOW you help your clients and that you CAN solve their problem.
- This is NOT the space to be cute.
- Here are some bad examples and good fixes for different industries:
- Photographer
- Bad- “Let’s go frolicking through a field of wildflowers.”
- Good-Photos as beautiful and authentic as the memories you’ll treasure forever
- Life Coach
- “Feel inspired”
- Figure out your purpose and what to do each day to get there
- Commercial Builder:
- Bad: Just a picture of a building you built
- Good: We take the stress out of building
- Photographer
Now, truly figuring out your above-the-fold text is a process and one that I honestly spend the MOST time on with my website copywriting clients. But take heart, if you are on the DIY budget, this is NOT something that you have to have PERFECTLY done immediately. You can change it. Nothing is written in stone. But if you do have unclear or “fluffy” language in your above-the-fold text, just do SOMETHING to make it more clear about how you help your client.
2. Optimize website SEO by using the right keywords in your H1 font or Title
- Ideally, this should be your heaviest-hitting keyword section for each page
- This is where having a Showit site comes in handy because Squarespace limits your H1 text to being the above-the-fold text.
If you don’t have your keywords all figured out yet, go check out this blog!
Or book a coaching session and we’ll figure out exactly what keywords YOU need to be using! Schedule a zero-pressure coffee chat discovery call here!
3. Optimize website SEO by Using Keywords in Your Page Names
- DO NOT WORRY- This is not the buttons people see when they click to navigate your website
- This is where you can put a keyword-rich phrase or two saying what you do (the problem you solve) in a very searchable way OR who you are (sometimes both)
- This is what shows up in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)

- Again, this does not change the “button” people see on your website. This DOES, however, help google to index your website better because it gives them better clues as to what you do and who you help!
4. Write Your Own Keyword-Rich Meta Descriptions to Further Optimize Website SEO
- This describes the page to google and is the snippet people see underneath the page title.
- Again, this is not only an SEO tip, but it helps to further serve your audience because it lets them know right away if this is the right page to solve their problem
5. Make it Clear Where and How to Buy Your Stuff or Hire You.
- Don’t be ashamed to put some kind of BUY now button on multiple places on each of your main pages.
- You are in BUSINESS to help people by providing a gift or a service that you are gifted by God to offer! Don’t be afraid to sell!
- Now, depending on your business and the back end of your website and purchase process, this may or may not be a tad complicated.

Truly, when you have a great SEO strategy, and you’re willing to stay disciplined and consistent with your online marketing strategy, the growth WILL come! So take these 5 hacks and optimize your website SEO in an hour (or even less) of your time!

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