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Marketing Too Stressful? 5 Product SEO for Better Sales

woman with long brown hair sitting on a hay bale staring off into the distance smiling
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

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Medium shot of woman sitting on hay bale typing on laptop computer teaching about Product SEO

Struggling to get online sales? Do you want your products found? You can list your products to have them found easier. Did you know you can actually get more traffic to your products (or not) based partly on how well you optimize your product SEO? 

There’s a lot that goes into optimizing your products for SEO. It does take a little work and research. It doesn’t matter if it’s digital or physical products, the information you put on it and where you put it is really important. Different sales platforms will work differently too. These 5 tips will work across the board!

Here Are 5 SEO Product Tips for Selling Online

1. Do Your Keyword Research

  • Keyword research is really, really important. You might think someone is searching for one of your products one way. Meanwhile, they are searching another way. You cannot just think you know how people search without doing the research. Do your research.

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2. Don’t Lie

  • I know you’re not trying to be deceptive. It’s easy to put anything down if you want your products found. Don’t do that! Name things by doing the research. You need to write exactly what the product or item is. Remember to phrase things correctly and how they are currently being searched. 

3. Another SEO Product Tip is Take Advantage of Page Titles

  • Depending on how your store is set up, most products end up opening up to their own page. It’s really important to make sure the keyword research is being put to work on this page. 
  • Use the page title to authentically describe your product. It truly is important. It all goes back to keyword research. 
  • Each page must have a unique page title. Duplicates are a big no-no.

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4. Fill in Everything You Can

  • Working on digital platforms can feel tedious. We tire of essentially doing the same thing. It might feel that way. Entering as much data as possible is important. Do not keyword dump! Remember to do your research to optimize it!
Orange background with text that reads Product SEO paired with keyword research will definitely get your products found online

5. The Final SEO Product Tip is to Name Your Photos

  • Photos are getting more clicks each time they are searched. If you want people to find your photos/products, simply name your photos authentically and keyword-richly. 

That’s it! 5 easy peasy lemon squeezy product SEO tips. These tips will truly make a difference in your website traffic and sales. Product SEO paired with keyword research will definitely get your products found online and get more eyes on what you are trying to sell. 

closeup of notebook learning about product seo tips
extreme closeup of cowboy hat and cactus on desk as we learn about marketing and product seo

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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