Copywriting Tips

5 Easy Website Copywriting Tips to Create Conversions

Christian entrepreneur giving content planning strategy tips to help you market your small business
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Gimme that

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Woman with a cowboy hat on and long brown hair riding a horse teaching small businesses 5 website copywriting tips to create conversions for your website

Are you having problems with website conversions? Sometimes SEO is not the problem. You may have great everything! Do you have great keywords, great page titles, and great load speed? Are you still having problems getting conversions? Spoiler alert! It may be your website copy. SEO is important. Website copy IS important too!

We look at SEO wanting to get traffic. What happens when people get to your website, but you don’t get conversions? Is your website doing its job? Is your copy working? I love SEO! It’s oddly satisfying fun to “hack the system”. EVEN the best SEO will not convert for you IF your website copy is POO. There’s probably copy on your website that can use improvements. Ask anyone, and they will say the same thing. We all can improve things on our website. ALL the grace here. I’m in the same boat. Been there, done that! I’ve got 5 website copywriting tips to make your website start to work for you.

Here are 5 website copywriting tips for better conversion:

1. Verbally Process What You Want Your Website Copy to Say

Not everyone processes best by writing, and it’s ok! Sit down, think about your business, think about the people you help, and think about their number one need and their number one problem. Process how you help them and verbally record it. Play it back and listen to it. You’re going to have good ideas that come out. Transcribe it! 

Verbal processing will jump-start your brain. Remember, your website needs to be Customer-centric. Your potential client’s #1 question is, “Can you solve my problem?”. You need to answer this on your website homepage!

2. Cut Out Half the Words

I like lots of words myself, but the fact is people skim websites. They don’t read them word for word. Here are some tips:

  • Make a copy of your full draft.
  • Then, make a second version with half the words.
  • Ask, does it make sense? Does it reduce mental stress?
  • Make it easy for your potential customer to understand. 

Wondering how to create a great content strategy? Read this

3. Another Great Website Copywriting Tip is to Use Bullet Points

Your website copy doesn’t have to read like a novel! Bullet points are allowed and encouraged! Make it easier for potential clients and customers to clearly see how you can help them.

4. Write 5 Iterations of the Same Idea

Your heading copy is really important, like really important. In fact, your above-the-fold copy is the first thing potential clients see on your website. You should, at the very least, have 5 iterations of that copy. If you want to go above and beyond, create up to 20 iterations. You can never have too many.


It’s simple. Your first draft is never your best. Trust me, I know. 

graphic text with website copywriting tips that says better website copy means that when your SEO brings your people to you, your copy will convert them and generate leads.

What Are My Absolute Must-Haves for a GREAT Homepage? Read this

5. Your Final Website Copywriting Tip is to Copy Trade With A Friend

We are all too close to our businesses. We simply can’t see the forest through the trees. Try showing your copy to a business-savvy friend. They will see it with fresh eyes, and their fresh eyes will see things in a way you may not. Let your brains work together.

Whew, that’s it! 5 down and dirty, quick, and easy website copywriting tips you can do yourself. Better website copy means when your SEO brings your people to you, your copy will convert them and generate leads. You want your website to do its job! And if it’s not doing its job. It’s missing something.

Want help writing your website copy? Book a free discovery call and see if we are a good fit to work together.

More on the DIY track right now? My course, The Organic Marketing Framework, goes into DEETS on Homepage Copy and SEO.

handbag and notebook on hay bale as we learn our website homepage matters and how writing copywriting tips make it work.
Smiling woman sitting with laptop teaching 5 DIY Website Copywriting tips

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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