Are you struggling with content marketing and figuring out the best marketing platform for YOUR business? Is social media where it’s at? What about blogging or podcasting or Youtube? Where are you going to generate the most leads? What platforms are sustainable?
One of the temptations many businesses feel when starting out is to be everywhere! There are SOO many places to market your business and SOO many ways to market it. How do you make smart choices without being a victim of “shiny object syndrome”? Today, I’ll walk you through 4 questions to figure out the right platforms to market your business that will actually generate leads and make more money.
4 questions to figure out the best marketing platform for your business
1. The first question to ask when figuring out the best marketing platform for your business is: Where yo’ people?
Simple question, right? Where are they? Are they on Facebook? Tik Tok? Where they are matters because that is where you need to be. Where they spend their time is where they spend their money.
2. What do you ENJOY?
What makes you feel good? Do you love to record videos? Do you love to write blogs? What you enjoy doing is what will create many awesome possibilities for marketing.
3. The third question I ask when figuring out the best marketing platform is: Is it sustainable?
Does a platform require you to be active every single day all day long to see success? If so, it’s probably not sustainable.
There is a simple way to check how sustainable your platform is:
- Look at how OLD the top content is by doing a quick search of some random thing and SEE how old the top content is
4. Is this marketing platform delivering results for you currently?

When it comes to driving results you don’t just want to check off boxes.
- Track where your leads are coming from
- When creating a content strategy, think about getting results, not just creating content.
Whatever platforms you choose to market your business, make sure that it is the best marketing platform for YOUR business and your life!
SEO is not going anywhere, so you need to use it to your advantage by creating sustainable long-form content. Be present around your people and market the way you enjoy doing it. It’s a surefire way to generate leads for your website using SEO and content strategy.

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