Is your homepage on your website doing its job/jobs? Let’s get real. Your homepage is THE most visited and most important page on your website. You have less than 5 seconds to capture someone’s attention and let them know if YOU are the best fit for THEM. And with your homepage being such valuable online real estate, it’s important that you are capitalizing on your traffic! So today, I am breaking down 8 Things Your Website Homepage MUST Have food Lead Generation and Great SEO.
Does your website have the RIGHT things for Lead Generation and Great SEO? 8 Things EVERY Homepage MUST Have
1. Your website homepage needs a Kick Booty above the fold statement
- In essence, this has to be a CRYSTAL clear statement about HOW you help your customer. This is not the place to be cute or clever. Clear wins over cute every day of the week that ends in, “y”, pals.
- Donald Miller has an EXCELLENT book that goes into WAY more detail about this that I HIGHLY recommend.
2. A way to BUY from you!
- Listen, I know that sometimes as a service provider, the “buying” process is a little more complicated than just pushing purchase and voila, the thing shows up at their door.
- However, I firmly believe that, whatever your industry, the EASIER you can make it for someone to BUY your stuff, the more of your STUFF you will sell.

3. Search friendly keywords
- Hi, it’s me again, your resident “please get your SEO and Keywords on point” friend. Reminding you that if people cannot FIND you, they cannot PAY you.
- While your homepage defintely needs to speak to people over robots, keywords are STILL important. Check out these other podcast episodes and blogs about keywords:
Still Struggling with EXACTLY which keywords are the RIGHT Keywords for YOUR business and YOUR audience? Book an SEO & Keyword Strategy Call today so you can start getting LEADS from your website!
4. Triggering Statements and Client Voice Swipes
- This is sometimes different than the search-friendly keywords that you need to include.
- If your people are like most humans, sometimes the words that we use in our speech or that resonate with us in our hearts are slightly different than the words that we use to type into google to find something. Your homepage needs both!
5. Call it vain if you want to, but your homepage needs to be pretty
- While the written elements on your homepage (aka your homepage copy) ARE important, we are also visual people!
- And while y’all KNOW that I am SOOO thankful to have a great branding design and LOVE working with Emma at homewardcreativeco.com, I know that not everyone is in the place financially in their business to get a custom branding design package.
- Even if you’re not in the place to have a professionally designed branding package or website, it’s VERY possible to find a gorgeous template and customize it yourself. 5 years ago it was WAY harder to find beautiful templates than it is now. Showit (my preferred website platform) has a TON of gorgeous templates.
Want to try Showit? Use my Showit affiliate link for a little discount.
6. Your Homepage needs a VERY customer-focused “about you” intro
- Listen, all the “I like long walks on the beach and iced vanilla lattes” intros are cute-but they are doing NOTHING for your business.
- I’ve written before on why you need to re-think the typical “about me” page and heck, I even created a template for you to use based on what I use for my clients!
- Even your little “about me”/ “meet ___” section on your homepage MUST be customer focused!
7. A link to a high-performing freebie
- Listen, if someone scrolls all the way through your homepage, chances are that they are already interested in working with you. You’ve already “hooked” them. Why not gift them with an awesome freebie or “lead magnet”!
- Give them a way to stay in touch with you so that you can continue to serve them!
8. Testimonials!
- We all LOVE to hear success stories! Make sure to have a few HONEST testimonials that you have permission to share on your homepage!
- Testimonials do SOOO much for social proof and easing customers into the buying process.
Truly, your homepage on your website is SUCH valuable real estate! Don’t waste it! Make sure that your homepage has these 8 elements.
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