Blogging Tips

Batch Working 101 and How to Batch Work for Massive Time Savings

Christian business coach Faith Hanan riding a horse teaching content creation tips
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Gimme that

TOp categories


I remember when I first heard someone talk about batch working. The idea was that they could sit and whip out a WHOLE bunch of the same type of work in a set block of time and be WAY more efficient and effective. Except… the problem was, they were sitting and working for 4-6 hours at a time. As a new mother at the time with VERY limited windows of work time that barely fit in the cracks of nap-time, their version of batch working sounded completely overwhelming and impossible before I even started. 

Fast forward a few years, and not only do I batch work like a ROCKSTAR now because I’ve learned what a GAME changer it can be for my productivity, but NOW I have TWO small children in the mix. 

Listen in (or read on) as I break down batch working and give you some really practical ideas for what YOU can create in batches to not only save time, but to be more efficient in your business.

The Two Main Methods of Batch Working

  1. Batching from start to finish
  2. Batching several of the same pieces of the puzzle

The First Type of Batch Work Is The “From start to finish” model 

Really, this is the kind that SUPER overwhelmed me at first. However, I’ve learned how to implement it SOME without getting overwhelmed AND not needing 500 hours at once to make it work.

So in your business and content creation, this could look like getting an idea, creating the thing (for example: an Instagram reel), filming, writing the caption, uploading, and interacting. Completing the whole process all in one sitting

If I were to do this process with podcasting and repurposing into a blog it would look like this:

  • Come up with an idea
  • Write the outline
  • Do my keyword research
  • Record the podcast
  • Edit the podcast
  • Upload the podcast
  • Write the blog
  • Come up with the title
  • Create the graphics
  • Publish the blog and the podcast

Which sometimes is how you have to do it. But honestly, the process I just described to you sounds EXHAUSTING and like something that would cause burnout REAL quick if I had to do it all the time and for all the things. There are some things that you have to do like this, I get it. 

The second main way to batch work- and my personal favorite…

Batch work a bunch of the same pieces of the puzzle in one sitting

Batch working like this helps you to get in the flow, stop jumping from task to task, and not only be more efficient in what you’re creating, but it helps you do better work overall.

content creation and productivity tip:batch work

4 Steps to Figure Out What You Can Batch In Your Content Creation to Save Time

  1. Sit down and really think about all the content that you are creating and list it out. 
  2. Then I want you to think about the FLOW of your content and learn how to REPURPOSE your content!

Seriously, if you’re not using my content repurposing method, you’re working way too hard and wasting so much time. Grab my Cheat Sheet Here.

If you don’t already repurpose your content, go back and listen to episode 16 AND download the freebie that I have linked in the show notes for you.

3. Once you have the FLOW of your content i.e. Podcast to blog to social media and Pinterest figured out, then it will help you create your content more strategically and batch accordingly!

Batch working you can do in your content creation process

  • Batch PLAN your content

Running out of content ideas? Make sure you’re using THIS hack!

  • Batch OUTLINE your content
  • Batch rough drafts of your podcast, blog, youtube
  • Batch social media posts for each blog or podcast, for the whole week, or even for the whole month! 
  • Batch create/upload pins to tailwind
  • Batch emails

I truly believe that when you implement batch working into your content creation and business workflow and give it an honest-to-goodness shot, you’ll see an increase in productivity AND creativity! Let me know if and when you try batching some of these types of content in your business AND how you like it!

Pin one of these images and help your Pinterest pals work smarter too!

content creation tips from Christian business coach Faith Hanan riding a bay horse on the plains
batch working 101 and why you cannot afford to not batch work

What is batch working?

Batch working is a method of categorizing and completing like sets of tasks all in one sitting or one block of time.

Will batch working help me be more productive?

Yes! If you do it right, that is. For some people, it takes a few tries to get in the hang of batch working instead of completing the whole process in sequential order. However, most content creators find that batch working saves them multiple hours per month if not per week in time spent creating content.

Can I batch social media content?

Absolutely! And I think that you should! Social media content can be great for growing your small business, however, if you spend too much time creating content on a daily basis, you could be taking time away from the more profitable income-generating parts of your business.

Will batch working work for blogging?

Heck ya! Batch working for blog content helps to plan content more effectively with sales in mind, maintain a consistent voice, and ultimately save time.

What tasks can I batch?

You can batch any number of tasks in your business, but the most common content creation tasks to batch are: content strategy, content planning, content writing, content posting, content scheduling, Pinterest scheduling, social media content creation, and email content writing.

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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