Spiritual Growth

3 Easy Tips to Love Customers Better as a Christian Entrepreneur

Christian entrepreneur giving content planning strategy tips to help you market your small business
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Gimme that

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Back of Christian entrepreneur with her arm on a horse and saddle showing love to customers

I know sometimes the lines between business and Christianity can be really blurry. You worry you’ll come across as pushy. You wonder, how can I love customers just like Jesus loves us? How can I not be seen as weird?

One of the foundational things for me is that I truly believe there should be no separation between ministry and your business. I truly believe we each have God-given gifts. My business is sharing my God-given gift with you, and helping YOU share your God-given gift with your clients.

The first time I heard business is like ministry, I thought,” What?!?! This is amazing.” If this whole concept is new to you- welcome!

Here are 3 easy practical ways to love your customers as a Christian entrepreneur.

1. Simply Have the Heart of a Servant

  • Strength is for service, not status
    • Business can be transactional. It is relational too. I really believe we need to have the heart of a servant in everything we do. 
  • “What? Not everyone is good at this? What do you mean you’re not great at _____?”
    • Each of us needs to think about how we can help those around us. How can you use your talents to help others? Something may come easily to you. It doesn’t mean it comes easily to someone else. Natural God-given strength can be used to serve people. At some point, you’re going to need help too. That’s the point! You’re not going to be gold-medal good at everything. Be gracious.
wide shot of Canyon with text reading "each of us needs to think about how we can help those around us...Natural god-given strength can be used to serve people."

2. Love Your Customers by Telling the Truth

  • This is a BIG one
    • You are not going to be the best fit for everyone
    • Your program is NOT perfect for everyone
  • Now might not really be the time for someone
    • Be truthful, honest, and upfront. God blesses you when you do things in the right way. Personally, I would rather have few clients or students. The important thing is they are the RIGHT students in the RIGHT place in their business. You do not want a room full of the WRONG people in the wrong place. It’s all about being honest with yourself. 

Want 4 Mindset Tips to Cultivate Faithfulness in Your Business? Listen Here

3. Pray with People

  • Praying with people gets a weird and bad rap and I HATE that!
    • It’s not supposed to be weird
    • Often we say “Oh I’ll pray for you”. Sometimes we forget.
    • Praying WITH someone helps you not forget. It lets them know what you’re actually praying for and gives them a chance to link up with your faith in the situation

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Be led by the Holy Spirit, don’t be scared. We are blessed to be able to love our clients with God’s love. All you need to do is be sincere. Step fully into your gifts and your calling. It’s your divine strategy, and you will love your customers well. Go make bold moves and love those people better as a Christian entrepreneur.

Warm coffee in a mug with an open notebook taking notes on 3 easy tips to love customers better as a christian entrepreneur
Christian entrepreneur leans on horse and smiles faith based business isn't impossible. She has 3 tips to love customers

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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