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Trying to Improve Your Website But It’s Not Working? 8 Tips to Fix SEO

christian business coach saddling a horse teaching tips to fix seo for website traffic
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Gimme that

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Woman wearing a cowboy hat leaning on horse smiling as she teaches 8 tips to fix SEO

I just want to start by saying, don’t shoot the messenger! I just want to remind you that SEO is a long-game strategy. Instagram, Facebook, and social media have gotten us used to quick wins. Quick wins do not do a lot for generating sustainable income. Take a step back from your social media and focus on SEO, blogging, and Pinterest. Fix SEO and you will get sustainable results. It is a better strategy. 

Starting with SEO and keywords will take time to produce results. You’re going to wonder if it’s working. I have 4 technical SEO things to check and 4 things to evaluate to fix your SEO and keyword strategy. First, let’s tackle the technical stuff.

4 Technical Things to Fix SEO

1. Make Sure Your Web Pages Are Not Marked “as do not index”.

  • Website platforms allow you to check “do not index” on your pages. Google will ignore the page if you have this checked off. Scan your website using the following site. It’s free.

2. Fix SEO by Submitting the Exact URL to be Crawled

  • If you had to uncheck “do not index”, you need to have your website recrawled. You should already be using Google Search Console and GA4. These sites are necessary. 
  • URL inspection tool within Google search console

3. Are Your Links Broken?

4. Fix SEO by Checking Your Load Time. Is Your Load Time Too Long?

  • Images and videos might make your webpage have a long load time. Longer load times are not a good thing. Google wants your page to load quickly. 
  • Check site speed sites- none of them make my heart go pitter patter
    • Aim for 1 sec to 2 secs as your target load speed

Not Sure Where to Start With SEO? Read This.

Now we have the technical stuff out of the way. It’s time for some tough love. Here are 4 ways to evaluate your content and fix SEO with your current strategy.

1. Fix SEO With Keywords. Are These the Right Size Keywords For You Right Now?

  • You need the right-sized keywords for your business. We all want to be found with the biggest keywords. If you’re a small business you do not have the SEO street cred to pull it off. You need to go for smaller keywords. With the right strategy, these smaller keywords will bring you more traffic.

2. Is the Search Intent the Best Fit?

  • What do people want to find when they are searching for that word? You need to use keywords with a high search intent that matches your content. 
Text over solid background that teaches how to fix SEO and reads "SEO is like the crockpot of marketing."

3. To Fix SEO You Need Time. Have You Given It Enough Time?

  • I know, you want to see results yesterday. We all do. SEO is like the crockpot of marketing. Although it takes time, the end results are amazing. Generally, I see results in about 3 months. I would expect results anywhere from 6 to 12 months. 

4. Are You Creating Content Around These Keywords?

  • Google needs to see you create valuable content around the keywords you rank for. If you are already doing this, great! If not, you need to change your strategy. 

You can get your SEO and keywords to work for you. A sustainable strategy will make the biggest difference for your small business. All it takes is checking on a few technical things as well as evaluating your content strategy. Be sure to check your website for any technical repairs and once you are able to get appropriate keywords and fix SEO you will see a difference.

Closeup of hands typing on laptop about improving your website with 8 tips to fix seo
Woman wearing cowboy hat saddles horse explaining 8 tips to fix seo for your small business website

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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