SEO Tips

SEO for Lead Generation? Is it Possible? 2 Easy Steps

I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

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Woman wearing an orange top writing SEO tips for improving lead generation

Let’s talk SEO for lead generation. Where should you start? What things are most important for using SEO in your lead generation strategy and what can you ignore? Here are the first things you should do to start generating leads using SEO strategies and blogging.

Step 1: To use SEO for lead generation: Get Google Analytics 4 and Search Console Set Up

Make sure Google Analytics and Search Console are set up for your website. 

  • You want to set up Google Analytics 4, not Universal Analytics. 
  • In July of 2023, Universal Analytics will stop populating data. No data means you won’t be able to track how your website is doing, and you won’t be able to see if your website is working for you as it should be. You want your website to work for you!
  • If you need a tutorial on how to set up GA4, make sure to find one that‘s specific for your website platform. 
  • Also, make sure to set up the Google Search Console. It’s a separate step which is annoying but essential. Google Search Console will help you track the keywords people search to find your website. 
blue background with text that reads for organic traffic you absolutely have to have the right keywords.

Step 2: To Use SEO for Lead Generation: Figure Out Your Keywords

  • If you have the wrong keywords, you are wasting your time. 
  • For organic traffic, you absolutely have to have the right keywords. 

Ultimately, you need keywords in the following areas:

  1. Problems you solve
  2. Persons you serve
  3. Processes you walk them through
  4. Promise you deliver

Start from the top down with your keywords. Think broad to narrow! This is the base for your keyword research. What are some of the problems someone will search for to find you? Next, think about what people say and what they search for. Take the list and put it on a spreadsheet. From there we are going to track the search volume for each idea. 

My favorite tool for keyword research is Ubersuggest. While the free plugin is not as good as the paid license, it is also very effective. To start using Ubersuggest for free, download the UberSuggest plugin from Chrome. UberSuggest will help you see the search volume of your keywords and give you extra ideas. Go to the search bar and start typing in your keywords and then add the amount of monthly searches to your spreadsheet. 

Once you have all your keywords we need to categorize them, as follows:

(These numbers will vary greatly depending on a variety of factors, but this is a great starting point. For a customized keyword range and keyword strategy, grab a coaching call here)

  • 5,000 to 10,000 searches, these are words that you would love to be found with
  • 3,000 to 5,000 searches, better for page titles
  • 150 to 3,000 searches, create blogs around these search keywords and also add them to your titles and keywords 

When it comes to SEO for lead generation, think a little smaller before you think big. Keyword research improves how your people find you on the world wide web and makes a difference, it just takes a couple of steps and a little legwork.  Also remember to download Google Analytics 4 (not Universal Analytics) and Google Search Console so you can track what is working for your website, and what is not!

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woman fixing horse saddle teaching keyword research strategy to improve SEO for lead generation
hat and lasso on laptop about learning seo for lead generation in two easy steps

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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