Blogging Tips

3 Mindset Shifts for Easier Organic Traffic with Improved SEO

woman riding horse to give tips on how to increase website traffic the easy way
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Gimme that

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woman writing 3 tips for improved SEO through these mindset shifts

Let’s chat about improved SEO. Are you getting a little (or a lottle) overwhelmed thinking about trying to get more leads using your website? Does the idea of optimizing your website, setting up a blog,  and doing keyword research make you break out in the cold sweats? Then you, my friend, read on to learn simple mindset shifts to help your SEO success AND snag the brand new freebie that I created to make your life SOOO much simpler.

Check out this blog and this episode on how to do keyword research.

Listen to the podcast here:

3 Mindset Shifts For Business Growth with Improved SEO, Keywords and Blogging.

1. Improving your SEO doesn’t have to be all or nothing

2. Everything gets easier the more you do it-even improving SEO

  • What used to take me 4-5 hours to do, I now get done BETTER in an hour and a half
  • Learning how to batch work for your business can be an absolute game changer as well!
  • Bonus series ep 32-36 all about creating SEO rich content to generate more leads

3. Shoot for sustained success and sustainable success through improved SEO, not flash in the pan sales

  • Listen, I actually don’t mind being in front of a camera. However, I don’t want to HAVE to dance on social media every dang day to get sales.
  • YES- setting up a great website and REALLY honing in on your SEO KW and blogs FEELS like SOOOO much more work especially up front, BUT in the long run it is much more evergreen and MUCH more sustainable. 

And if you’re still a little overwhelmed, steal my favorite Bible verse for times like that:

“I can do everything  I need to do because Christ is the energizing center of my life”

Phil 4:13
The Heart of Paul, A Rational Paraphrase of the New Testament, Ben Campbell Johnson

“Improve SEO” on your goals list? Pin this blog to save these tips!

Tips for improved SEO from a copywriter
woman with long brown hair riding to teach tips for improved SEO

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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