Copywriting Tips

4 Free Website Copy Tools to Write Better Copy. Number 2 Will Surprise You!

free website copy tools from a woman in a cowboy hat, hugging a horse in a field
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

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As a professional website copywriter and wordsmith by nature, I have tried out my fair share of website copy tools. And while I DO love me a worthwhile subscription and paid time with an expert, the truth is, some of the best website copy tools are free and easy to access!

Now- when I say your copy– that means words designed to sell. “Copy” by nature has a different function than content. When you hear people talk about copy- typically they are referring to website copy (not blog content), sales page copy, ad copy, and sometimes….email copy- especially if it is for a launch or a sale. Email content/copy is where I tend to hear the most overlap/confusion. But then again, my email strategy is a little different than the norm. 😉

Learn a little more about how I blend great SEO and great copy in episodes 10, 110, 114

Now- OBVIOUSLY I believe in the value of hiring a copywriter- BUT I also know that not everyone has the budget OR the time for that. Eventually, you will probably have to learn how to write appealing copy for yourself for SOME things.

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4 FREE Website Copy Tools to Help You Write Better Copy

1. An alliteration tool

  • This is great if you are doing a line-by-line copy overhaul going through every line on your website.
  • Now, I for one, LOVE me some good alliteration (when multiple words start with the same consonant. If they all start with the same vowel- its called assonance). However, I know that alliteration doesn’t always come naturally to people OR sometimes your brain is just TIRED and you need a little jumpstart.
  • If you’re not someone who has a large vocabulary or you’re just plain stumped for words check out:
  • Disclaimer-it’s a little bit of a clunky website, but it will at least get your creative juices flowing and give you some new ideas!

2. A 6 year old

  • There’s a “famous” quote often attributed to Albert Einstein: “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”
  • Whether or not you’re lucky enough to have a fantastic 6 year old in your life that you can chat with, the point is, you need to BREAK it down. Make it simple. Not STUPID- but simple and clear.
  • So often I have clients or students that tell me what they do or the problem that they solve in big, fancy, fluffy language. I get that you worked really hard to craft a shiny elevator pitch that will stand out amongst the crowd, but the fact of the matter is, if people cannot understand what it is you do because your language is too fancy- you missed the point.

3. Grammarly is another great website copy tool

  • Grammarly has a free version and a paid version. Now, as a website copywriter and content writer, I have the paid version. Between my own copy and content and that of my clients, we churn out a LOT of words and the yearly subscription is worth it. However, for most people, the free version is great!
  • Take advantage of the ability to set different tones and look at Grammarly’s suggestions for clarity.

4. Talking it out with a friend or colleague

  • This can be more valuable than any website copy tool out there
  • Now, as someone who both talks things out AND processes by writing, it took me a while to appreciate the full magic of talking things out for better website copy. However, talking it out with a friend or (last resort) simply recording yourself talking things out, can be a priceless, but FREE, tool for your business.
  • The fact is, sometimes all we need to do is to verbalize a few key things to get the “magic” of what we do out onto paper for our audience.
  • This is honestly one of my parts about working with website copy clients or coaching clients- getting to hear the great language that starts to come out of their mouths as we draw out the true heart of their business!

BONUS website copy tool- a giant whiteboard

  • In Steal Like an Artist– author (and artist) Austin Kleon talks about how to get the creative juices flowing consistently. One of my biggest takeaways from the book was to intentionally do some NON-digital work. A whiteboard (preferably a giant whiteboard) has become one of my favorite tools for this. There truly is something magical that happens when you’re able to physically write down your thoughts AND do it BIG!

Use These Tools for Better Website Copy

Whether you ever hire a professional copywriter or not, I still believe that you need to know how to write great (or at least decent) copy for yourself. Take advantage of these 4 (ok 5) tools to help you write better website copy.

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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