Copywriting Tips

Is Your Brand Messaging Strategy Actually Generating Leads? 3 Ways to Know

Christian entrepreneur giving content planning strategy tips to help you market your small business
I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

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Is your brand messaging hitting a home run graphic

When was the last time you audited your brand messaging strategy? Listen, as an entrepreneur and as a human, I am constantly growing, and so are YOU! To make it even MORE fun SO is your ideal customer! So hear me now, I do NOT think that your messaging is ever something that’s 100% perfect. It’s pretty much always going to be in progress. However, you CAN get to the point that your messaging is effective and is hitting a home run with your client!

Listen in as I give 3 ways to tell if your brand messaging strategy is connecting with your client or… not. 

Remember: When it boils down to it, ALL of your brand messaging and copy serves two purposes: 

  • To answer your ideal customer’s number one question: 
  • Can you help them solve their problem and to create a connection.

And here’s your permission slip to NOT be everyone’s cup of tea. It’s okay to have an “attract or repel” kind of attitude- not in a “bye Felicia” kind of way, but just in realizing that you don’t have to BE everyone’s favorite flavor of ice cream, and that’s OKAY!

3 Ways to Tell If Your Brand Messaging Strategy Is On Point

Do a quick read through your website copy and latest blog posts and look for how many times you used “I, me, or our” instead of “you, your, or yours.” It’s a simple but powerful shift 

  • Building a Storybrand- walks you through a whole process to use this in every part of your messaging, great but…This is simpler, lol.

When you have face-to-face or screen-to-screen conversations with your clients, do they stare at you like a deer in the headlights? If your brand messaging strategy is connecting with them, they won’t.

  • Insider tip- HAVE some real-life convos and get some real-life feedback. You’d be surprised at the things that aren’t making sense to your client that YOU think make perfect sense.  
  • Surveys and “please fill out this testimonial” are great, but they really just create extra work for people

Do you frequently hear, “Oh my gosh, I feel like you just read my mind!”

  • If you do, BOOM! This is GOLD, yall.
  • THIS is what you NEED to be hearing from customers. THIS tells you that your messaging is working!

Your brand’s messaging strategy is so crucial to how you connect with your customer. Yes, we want to stay aware of SEO and a great keyword strategy, but ultimately we are in business to serve people, and if we’re not connecting with people on an emotional level, we’ll stop seeing customers. 

Pin One of These Images To Save for the Next Time You Need a Brand Messaging Audit

What is brand messaging?

Brand messaging encompasses every aspect designed to communicate with potential customers- written, visual, and audio.

What is a brand messaging strategy?

The methodology, standard operating procedure, keyword focus, website copywriting and approach to speaking to a brand or business’s ideal audience consistently across all platforms and through potentially multiple spokespersons.

What makes a great brand messaging strategy?

A lot goes into a great brand messaging strategy, including tons of market research, keyword research, a brand strategy map, an intentional customer journey, a messaging guide, and cohesive visual brand,

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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