But how does an achiever, a competitor, or a highly driven individual not go NUTS along the way? How do we stay full of joy even when the progress is slower than we would like?
Allow me to share what has REALLY helped me.
6 Tips to Stay Joyful
Even When Your Goals
Take Longer Than Expected
1. Make actual spiritual growth actual top priority
Our primary purpose for existence is fellowship with the Father. Everything else is secondary to that and should flow from that.
Yes, God absolutely has good works prepared in advance for us to do, but if what we DO is to stand through the furnace, then it must be motivated by love. And we cannot work from a place of love if we have not spent time with Love Himself.
Ephesians 2:8-10
New International Version
8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
2. Work on your goals from a place of love
I don’t want to work on my goals because I hate myself or anyone else around me. If the God of the Universe calls me altogether lovely (Song of Solomon 4:7) and worthy of the utmost sacrifice, then who am I to argue with him by hating myself. Yes, we are all in process. Sanctification (becoming more and more like Jesus) is a lifelong process. But let your motivation be that you love God and you want to honor Him more-not that you hate who you are and where you’re at in life.
3. Keep alert for even the tiniest bit of progress.
Didn’t cuss at your horse when she was naughty today? Give yourself a mental pat on the back.
Remembered to plan out your week ahead of time so you feel a little less overwhelmed? Gold star for you, lol. Nope, your dishes might still be dirty and your house undecorated, but you still made SOME progress. Notice those wins and celebrate them! Nope, they may not feel huge, but every little bit of progress adds up!
4. Have small, but measurable progress markers on your big goals.
Big goals are AMAZING, but psychologically we NEED quick wins. Even if they are smaller goals that are actually part of a bigger goal, seeing yourself make visible progress and checking things off is HUGE for staying motivated
Without a vision, people perish. (Proverbs 29:18) That is really indisputable in my world. Think of your goals like a road trip it’s a LOT easier to appreciate the progress. Yes, you may not be “there” yet, but with each turn of the wheels, each decision to be obedient and do what is best for your ultimate goal, you are closer than when you started.

5. Regularly take time for self-reflection
Ask and answer hard questions.
Journal-this has become an indispensable to me
Don’t ignore those re-occurring issues
In need of some good reflection questions to get you started? Check out this blog!
6. Track your own habits and growth just as relentlessly as you track outward progress
Yes, seeing the needle move on a big project is SO rewarding. But so is realizing that your personal habits have taken a leap forward as well.
In order to NOT get discouraged as we grow, we need to appreciate the work God is doing in and through us on a regular basis.
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