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Learn how to write better website copy and content, get business tips and personal growth hacks, all with a Jesus lovin' perspective.


woman with long hair sitting in a field smiling at the camera teaching how to write a blog in less than two hours

Grow Your Audience

4 Steps to Easily Figure Out Your Best Marketing Platform

Struggling with content marketing and figuring out the best marketing platform for your business? Learn how to find the best marketing platform in 4 simple steps.


woman with long hair sitting in a field smiling at the camera teaching how to write a blog in less than two hours

Grow Your Audience

4 Steps to Easily Figure Out Your Best Marketing Platform

Struggling with content marketing and figuring out the best marketing platform for your business? Learn how to find the best marketing platform in 4 simple steps.


vintage leather purse sitting in front of a woman typing on a computer

Content Tips

5 Reasons You Need a Content Strategy

We hear it again and again and again in literally any business-building podcast. “Content is King” “Great content is where the money is at” blah blah blah. I mean, that’s cool and all. But WHY? and better yet HOWWWWW are you as a business owner who (I’m just guessing) is already busting your hind end […]


vintage leather purse sitting in front of a woman typing on a computer

Content Tips

5 Reasons You Need a Content Strategy

We hear it again and again and again in literally any business-building podcast. “Content is King” “Great content is where the money is at” blah blah blah. I mean, that’s cool and all. But WHY? and better yet HOWWWWW are you as a business owner who (I’m just guessing) is already busting your hind end […]



5 Reason Photographers Need a Blog

What if I told you that your blog was one of the top 3 most valuable pieces of online territory that you have? (The other two are your home page and your email list, but that is another story for another blog). And I say this to not just all business owners casually including photographers so they don’t feel left out. I’m saying this to photographers ESPECIALLY. Photographers, you need, yes I said NEED a blog for your photography business. Blogging regularly and strategically will help build your business wisely, boost your sites SEO, establish you as an expert in your field, help clients connect with you more, and lighten your client communication workload. Blogging is no longer just some cutsey habit for influencers or travel queens; it is essential for almost every business, but especially photographers. Read on and apply all these proven tips to get solid on your blogging “why” and have a baller execution plan



5 Reason Photographers Need a Blog

What if I told you that your blog was one of the top 3 most valuable pieces of online territory that you have? (The other two are your home page and your email list, but that is another story for another blog). And I say this to not just all business owners casually including photographers so they don’t feel left out. I’m saying this to photographers ESPECIALLY. Photographers, you need, yes I said NEED a blog for your photography business. Blogging regularly and strategically will help build your business wisely, boost your sites SEO, establish you as an expert in your field, help clients connect with you more, and lighten your client communication workload. Blogging is no longer just some cutsey habit for influencers or travel queens; it is essential for almost every business, but especially photographers. Read on and apply all these proven tips to get solid on your blogging “why” and have a baller execution plan


Woman sitting on a hay bale typing on her computer

Blogging Tips

6 Reasons Your Business Needs a Blog

Is blogging dead? Isn’t the only reason you need to blog is if you want to BE a “blogger” whatever that is? Don’t bloggers just have to post about their food and their travel all the time? I just eat regular people food and go to and from work every day. I just don’t see the value in blogging.  I do NOT have time to blog. Or my personal favorite “blogging isn’t important for my industry (photography, creative, makers, travel, tourism, etc).” And I get it, blogging can seem SUPER overwhelming. Even as a writer, I remember when I first started MY blog with a sleep-eating baby propped up on her nursing pillow, the list of different methods, crazy time-consuming things all the “experts” said I needed, not to mention having to google every other word to figure out what it means. SE-What? BUT, I was determined to write valuable content to help people in the form of a blog. I knew that God was telling me to write and blog. So, I enrolled in figure-it-out-university and passed. Even more than that, along the way I’ve learned just how valuable blogging is to (almost) ANY business, and lots of tips to make it feel not overwhelming and more like a continued conversation with your dream clients.


Woman sitting on a hay bale typing on her computer

Blogging Tips

6 Reasons Your Business Needs a Blog

Is blogging dead? Isn’t the only reason you need to blog is if you want to BE a “blogger” whatever that is? Don’t bloggers just have to post about their food and their travel all the time? I just eat regular people food and go to and from work every day. I just don’t see the value in blogging.  I do NOT have time to blog. Or my personal favorite “blogging isn’t important for my industry (photography, creative, makers, travel, tourism, etc).” And I get it, blogging can seem SUPER overwhelming. Even as a writer, I remember when I first started MY blog with a sleep-eating baby propped up on her nursing pillow, the list of different methods, crazy time-consuming things all the “experts” said I needed, not to mention having to google every other word to figure out what it means. SE-What? BUT, I was determined to write valuable content to help people in the form of a blog. I knew that God was telling me to write and blog. So, I enrolled in figure-it-out-university and passed. Even more than that, along the way I’ve learned just how valuable blogging is to (almost) ANY business, and lots of tips to make it feel not overwhelming and more like a continued conversation with your dream clients.




Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.

Our Services

If if involves words, marketing, and helping you reach YOUR people with SEO friendly words that still actually sound like you, then there's a good chance we're a good fit to work together.

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10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Tired of so-so content? Or cough ,cough no content at all because you're so overwhelmed? Then this is the place to get started! As a *Professional* copywriter, these are 10 things I fix in my client's content all the time.