Copywriting Tips

5 Organic Marketing Mistakes That Even the Best SEO Won’t Fix

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I'm Faith!

Accidental SEO expert and go to for copywriting tips and spiritual encouragement. No matter where you're at in life, I'll just be sitting over here cheering you on big time as you pursue all that God has for you!

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Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels trying and trying to get SEO to work for your business? Well… I have some good news, and I have some bad news for you. You MIGHT be making one of these 5 organic marketing mistakes that are really undermining your SEO efforts. The good news is, they are easy to identify and relatively simple to fix! 

5 Common Marketing Mistakes

1. No matter how brilliant your SEO strategy, no amount of keyword research will fix a less-than-stellar idea

  • Your first idea or your first business idea is prob not your best one… and that’s OKAY!!!
  • Don’t get married to your ideas, don’t place your identity on your ideas.
  • Sometimes just hashing out ideas that are less than awesome leads to some REALLY great things.

2. Unclear messaging is detrimental to organic marketing on any front

  • If I have a deer in the headlights look when you tell me what you do, your messaging is too complicated.
  • Get crystal clear on who you help, why you do what YOU do, and why people would want to buy from you!

3. Having too many messages will murder even the best organic marketing campaign

  • My kids like to sing a little jingle and say, “You can be more than one thing” (ie an artist and an athlete, or a cowboy and an engineer) which is VERY true… but…you don’t get to be an expert in #allthethings- ESPECIALLY in your digital marketing.
  • I get that building out a biz or building out a website is a pain in the butt, but if those two or three ideas that you’re trying to cram into a single website don’t marry seamlessly, then they don’t need to be married in your messaging.

4. Busted branding

  • There is a REASON that some of the biggest brands in the world invest heavily into their product branding. It matters!
  • I have coached multiple one on one clients and students to update their branding aesthetics because what they currently have is HURTING their business.
  • Don’t let your unprofessional branding hurt your organic marketing and SEO strategy that would otherwise work so beautifully!

Grab This SEO Cheat Sheet- Finally, Understand SEO and HOW to Put it to Work For You!

5. Self-focused messaging can be the death of any campaign, organic marketing or paid marketing.

  • Take it from the great Donald Miller and his phenomenal book Building a Storybrand, (and even on back to (Dale Carnegie’s book How to Win Friends and Influence People) people WANT to be the hero of their own stories.
  • LISTEN- THEY are thinking about themselves…(so are you)so meet them where they ARE with your messaging!
  • Check out podcast Ep. 69 for 5 free tips to write better copy.

Don’t Waste Any More Time and Effort

Listen, I KNOW how much time, effort (and sometimes money) it takes to build out a successful organic marketing strategy. Don’t let these SIMPLE and relatively EASY to fix organic marketing mistakes kill all your other efforts-including SEO!

Check out the podcast!

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Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.


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