Oh how I wish someone had told me these SEO Basics years ago. For real. If you are trying to get more leads from your website only to look at your google analytics and wanted to cry? Well, pal, I gotchu! Today I’m teaching you 5 SEO basics you MUST know to get more organic traffic to your website.
Don’t worry, SEO doesn’t have to be crazy, and it doesn’t have to be scary. I’m breaking it down for you in “you can do this” ways to help you actually get more traffic and, ultimately, more leads and sales from your website!
5 SEO Basic Shifts You Need for Organic Traffic and Lead Generation
1. You’re website HAS to load quickly
- Gone are the days of dial-up patience. Today’s consumers want FAST.
- Your website load speed has GOT to be FAST
- If something takes more than 3 seconds to load, they are GONE
- You don’t have to get crazy technical and all hung up on this
- Uptrends is a free site to check your website load speed, but there are lots of others out there as well.
2. Think, “What are people searching” for every single piece of content you create
- This simple mindset shift when creating content is enormously powerful. Instead of just creating what you feel like creating, create with the end SEARCHER and consumer in mind.
- Great SEO is essentially the equivalent of a great location in real estate
- “Build it, and they will come” only works if you build it with the right keywords in the right places.
- Check out Episode 10 for more on doing your own keyword research.

Check out Episode 13 and this blog for more on doing your own keyword research
3. Another one of my “wish I would have known” SEO Basics is this: The size of your keywords really matters.
- If you’re a new baby biz, don’t try to go for giant keywords on google. It just won’t happen. It’s a math game
- Utilize Answer the Public combined with UberSuggest or the Ubersuggest plugging to find very specific search queries within a reasonable search range. Then, start creating REALLY specific answers in your content
- Really, it’s Better to be found in a smaller pool than never found at all in a giant pool
Listen to 10 SEO Secrets I Wish I Had Learned Sooner to Get More Website Trafic
4. SEO Basics Tip I Wish Some of My Clients Knew: Don’t Delete Hyphens in Your URLs
- This can seem super basic, betty, but I’ll be honest. I’ve def made this mistake and had clients who have too.
- Here’s you CANNOT delete hyphens in your URLs: Search engines aren’t smart enough to separate words. You’re doing yourself AND your client a disservice by making your content un-findable by search engines.
5. SEO Doesn’t Have to Be Scary or Fixed All at Once
- There are def things that are AMAZING if you can get right when you’re starting out-it really will help, but don’t let perfection paralyze you.
Bonus SEO Basics Tip
SEO takes time. It’s not a microwave approach to organic marketing… but it lasts WAYYY longer than the social media dance crazes out there.
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SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it simply means that your website and blog content is optimized to allow search engines such as google to categorize and index your website’s content.
SEO can be as hard or as simple as you make it. True, there is a bit of a learning curve, but SEO shouldn’t have to be complicated, and optimizing your website shouldn’t be relegated to huge businesses. Great SEO requires diligence and research.
Absolutely! Hyphens in a page’s URL help search engines to separate words and better categorize the website’s content. Anything that you can do to make your website easier to categorize is great for SEO purposes.
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