Did you know that your about page is typically the second most visited out of all the pages on your website? Ya, really. People care THAT much about who you are ANNNNDDD why you can help them. “Cool, Faith. That’s handy info.” BUT it also means that if you don’t have a strategically written About copy, you are hurting your business. Now, I know that money is tight in the start-up or even early stages of any business, and you’re literally piecing together All. The. Things. But trust me when I say that a DIY about page is hurting your business most of the time. After you’ve made a few bucks, you need to either hire a copywriter (hi) or buy a stellar about page template (also, hi).
5 Reasons Why a Pieced Together About Page Might Be Hurting Your Business
1. Your About Me Page is Confusing to Your Audience
- Most of your website copy is (or should be) dedicated to solving your client’s problem or telling the how and why you can.
- So to completely shift gears with “hi, here’s my latte order and my dogs” is basically giving your audience whiplash.
Read 3 Things That Might Be Missing on Your About Page
2. Your DIY About Me Page Could Be Wasting Your Audience’s Time
- Your audience, just like all of us, is always thinking, “How can this help me? How can this help me survive and thrive?” And while we humans DO want to get to know people because we value connection (and it helps us survive), that’s not the main thought going through their minds when they click over to your about page.
Learn How to Write Your Own About Me Page Like a Pro and Finally Feel Confident About That Stinkin Page
3. You Are Wasting Valuable Foot Traffic.
- On average, your about page is the second most visited pages on your website. SECOND only to your homepage. So put that valuable real estate to WORK, baby. Quit wasting it talking about your favorite food OR give them another horrid sales pitch.
Avoid These 6 Website Copywriting Mistakes Like the Plague
4. It’s Making You Seem Self-Focused Instead of Client Focused
- Listen, I know that you need to make money to be in business. But let’s be honest, if all we were after was making a buck, we’d be down at MickyDees flipping burgers or donating plasma, lol (I laugh, but that does actually pay)
- If you are like 99% of entrepreneurs that I know (and those who stay in business for very long), you are in business because you want to help people with what you’re good at!
- Far too often, a DIY About Page makes the business owner seem self-focused rather than the truly selfless entrepreneur that they are.
5. It Sounds Unprofessional
- I will be the first to admit that there are more factors than just jam up website copy that make you look professional online (s/o to my favorite branding designer Emma with Homeward Creative Co.) Having a professional sounding about page (and ALL your website pages) helps you appear more professional and attract more clients and more high-end clients.
- When your About Page is written in a way that not only sounds like you but is truly customer-centric AND professional, it elevates your overall brand.
Oooo, feeling a little self-conscious about your About Me Page, lol? If so, please know that I say all of this in love! I want YOU and YOUR business to succeed! So, take these 5 tips and audit your About Page.
And guess what, if you’re just NOT at the place to hire a professional website copywriter (which I totally understand), I’ve created a mini-course and template that I use as the basis to write all of my clients about pages. So for a steal of a deal, you’ll be able to take my process and your genius and write an About Page that finally starts serving you and your business like it’s supposed to.
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