If you are like, ummm ALL business owners, if you want to increase your revenue then you either need to sell more products, book more clients, or increase your prices. And contrary to many business coaches, I do NOT think that raising prices or even doubling prices is the fix to your problems. Sometimes, we need to either get better at what we are doing (helllooooo workflow and productivity hacks) OR increase our audience and clientele!
Here are 6 Easy Steps to Get More Clients with Less Time and Less Hustle
1. Fix your mindset around selling or getting clients
- Hi. I’m gonna be blunt, if you believe that selling is sleazy then you will never be successful in business.
- The more you learn to truly believe that your God-given gifts are just that, GIFTS that will bless those you serve, the more comfortable you will be selling
2. Let God get involved!
- Pray for the right clients at the right time
- Listen to your gut, be ok with letting Holy Spirit tell you “they are not the client for you.” Or “not right now”
- Trust me, in the end, you will never regret listening to God here. I made the mistake of not listening once and was SO frustrated the whole time.
3. Look at your current client experience
- I am not one that says you need to have ALL the aspects of the back end of your business, email funnels, thank you gifts, and client management system all perfect and polished before you start your business. And while I DO think that those are valuable upgrades, at some point, people care much more about just getting a quality service and the fact that you do what you said you were going to do than they do about a professional onboarding packet.
- You need to weigh the time investment and money investment into any and all Improvements to your client experience.
4. How much more work can you realistically handle and what kind of work?
- A while back I did a very non-typical Faith thing and I made a spreadsheet breaking down all my services, how long each package took, the revenue, and how many hours per month and week I could work. It truly was a GREAT way to figure out how much more work and what kind of work I could realistically handle!
- I cannot speak highly enough of all the amazing things I have learned in SYLA from Chelsi Jo! Seriously, my workflow is GANGBUSTERS and I have a dang good grasp on how much time everything takes me because of the systems that she teaches. Workflow and time management.
My affiliate link for Systemize Your Life Academy
5. Short game tips to get more clients
Now, I realize that this is NOT how you want to live your whole life, me either. But sometimes, you just need to get more sales like yesterday and get the ball rolling with your business. This list of tips is for that- your short game.
- Learn to pitch well. (More episodes to come on this one!) Serious, this is a VALUBLE skill
- Getting work on places like Upwork, Fiverr, Skywords
- Full disclosure, I have never personally gotten work off these sites, but they have a great reputation amongst people I know. I’ve got started pitching and finding work in social media groups.
- Discounted work for family and friends.
- Not only does this get you some experience, but it get your some great testimonials and expands your portfolio!
6. Long game strategy to get more clients
Ultimately this is where you want to put most of your business-building efforts. Because THESE kinds of investments are the kind that just keep on giving!
- Build your business around your online hub-your website
- Content!!!!- consistently create HIGH-value content that actually helps your ideal client without asking for a dime.
- Podcasting is seriously my new favorite. As part of your overall content strategy, I’m such a fan of having a podcast and a blog!
Stefanie Gass is seriously the BEST at teaching you how to start a podcast and do it the RIGHT way. I actually became an affiliate for two of her courses that I took and highly recommend. If you choose to purchase through my affiliate link, I do get a percentage.
Purchase Podcast Pro University Here
- Blogging and blogging strategically will do WONDERS for your website traffic and search engine optimization.
Read 6 Reasons Why Your Business NEEDS a Blog Here
- Pinterest Strategy-
- In case you don’t know this, Pinterest isn’t a social media app it’s a search engine! And your content lives MUCHHHH longer on Pinterest than it does on IG or FB #sorrynotsorry. I truly believe that WAY more of your marketing efforts should be spent on Pinterest than social media.
- Book a Strategic Marketing Breakthrough Call!
- Seriously, in one hour I can help you have a Strategic marketing plan that you are confident in so that you KNOW you are making the right moves to grow your online audience and get the RIGHT people knocking on your door.
- In that one hour, I’ll also get you a gangbuster SEO and Keyword Starter Kit and 3-6 months of content planned out! (Based on 1 piece of long-form content/ week)
There you have it! 6 pretty darn easy and straightforward steps to get more clients and the RIGHT clients! After all, I truly believe that we SHOULD be using our God-given gifts to bless those around us and serve the people He has for us to serve!
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