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Learn how to write better website copy and content, get business tips and personal growth hacks, all with a Jesus lovin' perspective.


content strategist and copywriter smiles and teaches about tips for improving content strategy and generating leads

Content Tips

Need a Solid Content Strategy? The Number 1 Content Strategy Exercise You Can’t Skip

One of the most important things you will hear from any marketing expert is that you need great content. But what makes great content? Well FIRST, you need a great content STRATEGY! Why? Well, because without a solid strategy, you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall or bouncing around trying to keep up with the latest trends that may or may not actually move the needle forward for YOUR business.


content strategist and copywriter smiles and teaches about tips for improving content strategy and generating leads

Content Tips

Need a Solid Content Strategy? The Number 1 Content Strategy Exercise You Can’t Skip

One of the most important things you will hear from any marketing expert is that you need great content. But what makes great content? Well FIRST, you need a great content STRATEGY! Why? Well, because without a solid strategy, you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall or bouncing around trying to keep up with the latest trends that may or may not actually move the needle forward for YOUR business.


Christian woman writing in her journal

Content Tips

The 7 Best Tips To Avoid Content Creation Stress and Burnout

Are you dealing with a little (or a lot) of content creation stress? Are you struggling to create engaging content that gets seen while maintaining any semblance of work-life balance? You are not the only one! In today’s market, content marketing is PART OF THE JOB.  As any kind of business owner or entrepreneur can […]


Christian woman writing in her journal

Content Tips

The 7 Best Tips To Avoid Content Creation Stress and Burnout

Are you dealing with a little (or a lot) of content creation stress? Are you struggling to create engaging content that gets seen while maintaining any semblance of work-life balance? You are not the only one! In today’s market, content marketing is PART OF THE JOB.  As any kind of business owner or entrepreneur can […]


business marketing coach with long dark hair teaches blogging tips on her computer

Blogging Tips

Want a Successful Blog? 10 Don’t Miss Blogging Tips

Want a successful blog? Me too, pal. Me too. I have a lot of things on my plate and zero time to waste fiddle farting around with… well anything, but especially blogging tips that don’t work. And while we (read, me) are all tempted to skip the foundational stuff- let me remind you– it doesn’t […]


business marketing coach with long dark hair teaches blogging tips on her computer

Blogging Tips

Want a Successful Blog? 10 Don’t Miss Blogging Tips

Want a successful blog? Me too, pal. Me too. I have a lot of things on my plate and zero time to waste fiddle farting around with… well anything, but especially blogging tips that don’t work. And while we (read, me) are all tempted to skip the foundational stuff- let me remind you– it doesn’t […]


Woman with long dark blonde hair sitting on a hay bale and pendleton blanket with a laptop teaching seo tips for the google update

SEO Tips

4 SEO Traffic Factors to Increase Your Website Traffic

I know what you’re thinking about SEO traffic. You’ve put in all the work, you’ve done all the research. Your SEO is ready! But where are your results? How LONG will it take for your SEO strategy to WORK? How long until you see more traffic? It’s understandable. You want to see results. You want […]


Woman with long dark blonde hair sitting on a hay bale and pendleton blanket with a laptop teaching seo tips for the google update

SEO Tips

4 SEO Traffic Factors to Increase Your Website Traffic

I know what you’re thinking about SEO traffic. You’ve put in all the work, you’ve done all the research. Your SEO is ready! But where are your results? How LONG will it take for your SEO strategy to WORK? How long until you see more traffic? It’s understandable. You want to see results. You want […]


content strategist and copywriter smiles and teaches about tips for improving content strategy and generating leads

Content Tips

Too Much Time Blogging? 5 Time-Saving Tips to Improve Your Content Strategy

How much TIME should you spend on blogging? I am constantly hearing that blogging takes too much time. I absolutely know what you mean. Blogging is your investment in your business and investments take time. What if I said that it doesn’t have to take a lot of time? I’ve got 5 time-saving tips to […]


content strategist and copywriter smiles and teaches about tips for improving content strategy and generating leads

Content Tips

Too Much Time Blogging? 5 Time-Saving Tips to Improve Your Content Strategy

How much TIME should you spend on blogging? I am constantly hearing that blogging takes too much time. I absolutely know what you mean. Blogging is your investment in your business and investments take time. What if I said that it doesn’t have to take a lot of time? I’ve got 5 time-saving tips to […]


Smiling and happy woman with long brown hair leaning on fence teaching small businesses an SEO strategy for sustainable growth

SEO Tips

An Effective SEO Strategy in 3 Easy Mindset Shifts

Tired of marketing on social media? Social media isn’t what it used to be. Learn 3 mindset shifts for a long sustainable SEO strategy


Smiling and happy woman with long brown hair leaning on fence teaching small businesses an SEO strategy for sustainable growth

SEO Tips

An Effective SEO Strategy in 3 Easy Mindset Shifts

Tired of marketing on social media? Social media isn’t what it used to be. Learn 3 mindset shifts for a long sustainable SEO strategy


content strategist and copywriter smiles and teaches about tips for improving content strategy and generating leads

Blogging Tips

5 Steps to A FUN Content Strategy For Great SEO & Lead Generation

Learn the STEP by STEP guide to create a content strategy that’s great for SEO and lead generation that doesn’t suck the life out of you.


content strategist and copywriter smiles and teaches about tips for improving content strategy and generating leads

Blogging Tips

5 Steps to A FUN Content Strategy For Great SEO & Lead Generation

Learn the STEP by STEP guide to create a content strategy that’s great for SEO and lead generation that doesn’t suck the life out of you.


free website copy tools from a woman in a cowboy hat, hugging a horse in a field

Content Tips

My Number One Tip to NEVER Run Out of GREAT Content Ideas

I bet you’re thinking I’m going to pitch some new website, software, or even a coaching service. And while coming up with content topics and titles is DEF one of my secret superpowers, lol, that’s not where this is going.

Now I’ll be the FIRST to tell you that there are some amazing websites and tools out there that will generate content topics based on a keyword that you enter or on other topic ideas.

But this is not that.


This is a SUPER simple but HIGHLY effective tip to always have high-quality content ideas on hand when you need to create content.


free website copy tools from a woman in a cowboy hat, hugging a horse in a field

Content Tips

My Number One Tip to NEVER Run Out of GREAT Content Ideas

I bet you’re thinking I’m going to pitch some new website, software, or even a coaching service. And while coming up with content topics and titles is DEF one of my secret superpowers, lol, that’s not where this is going.

Now I’ll be the FIRST to tell you that there are some amazing websites and tools out there that will generate content topics based on a keyword that you enter or on other topic ideas.

But this is not that.


This is a SUPER simple but HIGHLY effective tip to always have high-quality content ideas on hand when you need to create content.


business marketing coach with long dark hair teaches blogging tips on her computer

Grow Your Audience

Content Strategy Repurposing Guide to Save Hours & Generate Leads

Do you spend hours and hours creating content to market your online business? Well, I’ve got news for you, if you’re NOT repurposing content strategically, then you are flat out WORKING TOO HARD and wasting time. In this podcast episode and blog + with this freebie, I will SHOW you the exact strategy I’ve taught in masterclasses and to paying clients to repurpose content and turn one piece of content into 5, 10, 15, EVEN 20 pieces of valuable content.


business marketing coach with long dark hair teaches blogging tips on her computer

Grow Your Audience

Content Strategy Repurposing Guide to Save Hours & Generate Leads

Do you spend hours and hours creating content to market your online business? Well, I’ve got news for you, if you’re NOT repurposing content strategically, then you are flat out WORKING TOO HARD and wasting time. In this podcast episode and blog + with this freebie, I will SHOW you the exact strategy I’ve taught in masterclasses and to paying clients to repurpose content and turn one piece of content into 5, 10, 15, EVEN 20 pieces of valuable content.


vintage leather purse sitting in front of a woman typing on a computer

Content Tips

Create Your Content Strategy in 6 Easy Steps

Question: Have you actually sat down to create a content strategy for your business? If you’re like most hustlers trying to build a business, maybe work another job, and still have a LIFE, the answer is probably no. One of the biggest mistakes I see small business owners making is creating content with no real […]


vintage leather purse sitting in front of a woman typing on a computer

Content Tips

Create Your Content Strategy in 6 Easy Steps

Question: Have you actually sat down to create a content strategy for your business? If you’re like most hustlers trying to build a business, maybe work another job, and still have a LIFE, the answer is probably no. One of the biggest mistakes I see small business owners making is creating content with no real […]




Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.

Our Services

If if involves words, marketing, and helping you reach YOUR people with SEO friendly words that still actually sound like you, then there's a good chance we're a good fit to work together.

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10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Tired of so-so content? Or cough ,cough no content at all because you're so overwhelmed? Then this is the place to get started! As a *Professional* copywriter, these are 10 things I fix in my client's content all the time.