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Learn how to write better website copy and content, get business tips and personal growth hacks, all with a Jesus lovin' perspective.


woman with long hair sitting in a field surrounded by tall grass talking about the difference between organic and paid marketing

Grow Your Audience

Organic Marketing vs. Paid Ads. Which Is Better For Growth?

Let’s be real, we ALL have to market our businesses. Yes, word of mouth is POWERFUL and (probably the most powerful form of advertising there ever will be), but when it comes to EVERY other form of advertising, we are either paying for ads or taking advantage of organic marketing. But what should we focus on? As entrepreneurs or digital business owners, there is only so much time to DIY your marketing or only so much to spend on the marketing budget. I’m going to break down paid ads vs. organic marketing, how to use them to your advantage, the pros and cons of organic marketing or paid marketing, and what you actually need to grow your business. 


woman with long hair sitting in a field surrounded by tall grass talking about the difference between organic and paid marketing

Grow Your Audience

Organic Marketing vs. Paid Ads. Which Is Better For Growth?

Let’s be real, we ALL have to market our businesses. Yes, word of mouth is POWERFUL and (probably the most powerful form of advertising there ever will be), but when it comes to EVERY other form of advertising, we are either paying for ads or taking advantage of organic marketing. But what should we focus on? As entrepreneurs or digital business owners, there is only so much time to DIY your marketing or only so much to spend on the marketing budget. I’m going to break down paid ads vs. organic marketing, how to use them to your advantage, the pros and cons of organic marketing or paid marketing, and what you actually need to grow your business. 


woman copywriter writing organic marketing tips

Copywriting Tips

5 Organic Marketing Mistakes That Even the Best SEO Won’t Fix

Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels trying and trying to get SEO to work for your business? Well… I have some good news, and I have some bad news for you. You MIGHT be making one of these 5 organic marketing mistakes that are really undermining your SEO efforts. The good news is, they are easy to identify and relatively simple to fix! 


woman copywriter writing organic marketing tips

Copywriting Tips

5 Organic Marketing Mistakes That Even the Best SEO Won’t Fix

Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels trying and trying to get SEO to work for your business? Well… I have some good news, and I have some bad news for you. You MIGHT be making one of these 5 organic marketing mistakes that are really undermining your SEO efforts. The good news is, they are easy to identify and relatively simple to fix! 


woman with long hair sitting in a field smiling at the camera teaching how to write a blog in less than two hours

Grow Your Audience

4 Steps to Easily Figure Out Your Best Marketing Platform

Struggling with content marketing and figuring out the best marketing platform for your business? Learn how to find the best marketing platform in 4 simple steps.


woman with long hair sitting in a field smiling at the camera teaching how to write a blog in less than two hours

Grow Your Audience

4 Steps to Easily Figure Out Your Best Marketing Platform

Struggling with content marketing and figuring out the best marketing platform for your business? Learn how to find the best marketing platform in 4 simple steps.


SEO Tips

SEO for Lead Generation? Is it Possible? 2 Easy Steps

Let’s talk SEO for lead generation. Where should you start? What things are most important for using SEO in your lead generation strategy and what can you ignore? Here are the first things you should do to start generating leads using SEO strategies and blogging. Step 1: To use SEO for lead generation: Get Google […]


SEO Tips

SEO for Lead Generation? Is it Possible? 2 Easy Steps

Let’s talk SEO for lead generation. Where should you start? What things are most important for using SEO in your lead generation strategy and what can you ignore? Here are the first things you should do to start generating leads using SEO strategies and blogging. Step 1: To use SEO for lead generation: Get Google […]


woman typing seo basics and seo tips on a laptop for simple seo

SEO Tips

5 Helpful SEO Basics You’ve Gotta Know For More Website Traffic

SEO basics to make life EASIER as an entrepreneur. Really, these 5 basic SEO changes can make a huge difference in your online marketing strategy and organic traffic.


woman typing seo basics and seo tips on a laptop for simple seo

SEO Tips

5 Helpful SEO Basics You’ve Gotta Know For More Website Traffic

SEO basics to make life EASIER as an entrepreneur. Really, these 5 basic SEO changes can make a huge difference in your online marketing strategy and organic traffic.


woman copywriter writing organic marketing tips

Blogging Tips

Struggle to Blog Consistently? 10 Tips for Consistent Blog Content Creation

Do you struggle to blog for your business? Do you find yourself dreading that task when it pops up on your to-do list? Well even as a girl who loves to write, I’ve found that blogging consistently is hard sometimes, however, if you’ll apply these 10 tips, you’ll not only blog more consistently, but you will increase your organic traffic and SEO as well.


woman copywriter writing organic marketing tips

Blogging Tips

Struggle to Blog Consistently? 10 Tips for Consistent Blog Content Creation

Do you struggle to blog for your business? Do you find yourself dreading that task when it pops up on your to-do list? Well even as a girl who loves to write, I’ve found that blogging consistently is hard sometimes, however, if you’ll apply these 10 tips, you’ll not only blog more consistently, but you will increase your organic traffic and SEO as well.


woman copywriter typing on a keyboard

Grow Your Audience

10 SEO Secrets to Get More Website Traffic 2022

I’ll be honest, I really wish I had known these 10 SEO Secrets MUCH sooner. I’ve been blogging for myself/ had a website for 5 going on 6 years. I’ve always been a writer and was in ministry-ish and influence forever so at first, my website and blog were for those purposes. But then as I finally “gave in” to the passion I have for business and marketing and stopped trying to keep business and ministry separated, I got into the business, copywriting, etc. But it wasn’t until MUCH LONGER than it should have been, that I really started to look into SEO and creating content and websites with an SEO strategy in mind. 


woman copywriter typing on a keyboard

Grow Your Audience

10 SEO Secrets to Get More Website Traffic 2022

I’ll be honest, I really wish I had known these 10 SEO Secrets MUCH sooner. I’ve been blogging for myself/ had a website for 5 going on 6 years. I’ve always been a writer and was in ministry-ish and influence forever so at first, my website and blog were for those purposes. But then as I finally “gave in” to the passion I have for business and marketing and stopped trying to keep business and ministry separated, I got into the business, copywriting, etc. But it wasn’t until MUCH LONGER than it should have been, that I really started to look into SEO and creating content and websites with an SEO strategy in mind. 




Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.

Our Services

If if involves words, marketing, and helping you reach YOUR people with SEO friendly words that still actually sound like you, then there's a good chance we're a good fit to work together.

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10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Tired of so-so content? Or cough ,cough no content at all because you're so overwhelmed? Then this is the place to get started! As a *Professional* copywriter, these are 10 things I fix in my client's content all the time.