The Best SEO Blog on the Internet for:



Learn how to write better website copy and content, get business tips and personal growth hacks, all with a Jesus lovin' perspective.


Smiling and happy woman with long brown hair leaning on fence teaching small businesses an SEO strategy for sustainable growth

SEO Tips

An Effective SEO Strategy in 3 Easy Mindset Shifts

Tired of marketing on social media? Social media isn’t what it used to be. Learn 3 mindset shifts for a long sustainable SEO strategy


Smiling and happy woman with long brown hair leaning on fence teaching small businesses an SEO strategy for sustainable growth

SEO Tips

An Effective SEO Strategy in 3 Easy Mindset Shifts

Tired of marketing on social media? Social media isn’t what it used to be. Learn 3 mindset shifts for a long sustainable SEO strategy


keyword tips from woman with turquoise rings typing on a macbook tips to optimize your website with SEO friendly copy

Keyword Tips

Use Keywords in These 7 Places and Increase Organic Traffic

Where should you use keywords? Are Keywords confusing? If your answer is “YESSS,” then KNOW that you are NOT alone. One of the questions I get the MOST is, “Where should I put keywords?” And I get it, there’s a lot of Urkle-level info out there about keywords and SEO. And after you’ve gone to all the work to research your keywords, now you’re left wondering, “well, where do I put them?” GREAT question. Allow me to walk you through 7 Places to use your keywords so that you can start generating more leads and sales from your website.


keyword tips from woman with turquoise rings typing on a macbook tips to optimize your website with SEO friendly copy

Keyword Tips

Use Keywords in These 7 Places and Increase Organic Traffic

Where should you use keywords? Are Keywords confusing? If your answer is “YESSS,” then KNOW that you are NOT alone. One of the questions I get the MOST is, “Where should I put keywords?” And I get it, there’s a lot of Urkle-level info out there about keywords and SEO. And after you’ve gone to all the work to research your keywords, now you’re left wondering, “well, where do I put them?” GREAT question. Allow me to walk you through 7 Places to use your keywords so that you can start generating more leads and sales from your website.


woman copywriter typing on a keyboard

Grow Your Audience

10 SEO Secrets to Get More Website Traffic 2022

I’ll be honest, I really wish I had known these 10 SEO Secrets MUCH sooner. I’ve been blogging for myself/ had a website for 5 going on 6 years. I’ve always been a writer and was in ministry-ish and influence forever so at first, my website and blog were for those purposes. But then as I finally “gave in” to the passion I have for business and marketing and stopped trying to keep business and ministry separated, I got into the business, copywriting, etc. But it wasn’t until MUCH LONGER than it should have been, that I really started to look into SEO and creating content and websites with an SEO strategy in mind. 


woman copywriter typing on a keyboard

Grow Your Audience

10 SEO Secrets to Get More Website Traffic 2022

I’ll be honest, I really wish I had known these 10 SEO Secrets MUCH sooner. I’ve been blogging for myself/ had a website for 5 going on 6 years. I’ve always been a writer and was in ministry-ish and influence forever so at first, my website and blog were for those purposes. But then as I finally “gave in” to the passion I have for business and marketing and stopped trying to keep business and ministry separated, I got into the business, copywriting, etc. But it wasn’t until MUCH LONGER than it should have been, that I really started to look into SEO and creating content and websites with an SEO strategy in mind. 


copywriter and marketing coach wearing turquoise rings typing on a macbook

Grow Your Audience

Keyword Research: How to Do Keyword Research & How it Will Save You Time

Are you confused about keyword research? Wonder why it matters, how to do it, not to mention WHEN are you going to do it? No worries, pal. I’m going to walk you through WHY keywords matter, how to do it, and give you some gangbuster tips to help that keyword research work FOR you and save you time!


copywriter and marketing coach wearing turquoise rings typing on a macbook

Grow Your Audience

Keyword Research: How to Do Keyword Research & How it Will Save You Time

Are you confused about keyword research? Wonder why it matters, how to do it, not to mention WHEN are you going to do it? No worries, pal. I’m going to walk you through WHY keywords matter, how to do it, and give you some gangbuster tips to help that keyword research work FOR you and save you time!


keyword tips from woman with turquoise rings typing on a macbook tips to optimize your website with SEO friendly copy

Copywriting Tips

Write SEO-Friendly Copy Without Sounding Like a Robot

How do you write website copy that’s SEO friendly and pleases the google gnomes to help your site rank without sounding like a robot, a used car salesman, or being a billion-dollar company? Well, pal, I’m about to tell you. As a professional copywriter, I figured out how to blend the SEO strategies and the Customer Centric Copy Strategies that matter to help YOU optimize your website and get you in front of the right people!


keyword tips from woman with turquoise rings typing on a macbook tips to optimize your website with SEO friendly copy

Copywriting Tips

Write SEO-Friendly Copy Without Sounding Like a Robot

How do you write website copy that’s SEO friendly and pleases the google gnomes to help your site rank without sounding like a robot, a used car salesman, or being a billion-dollar company? Well, pal, I’m about to tell you. As a professional copywriter, I figured out how to blend the SEO strategies and the Customer Centric Copy Strategies that matter to help YOU optimize your website and get you in front of the right people!




Accidental SEO expert, Copywriter, Jesus lover, worship leader, barrel racer, wife, and Mama to (now) 3 littles.

Our Services

If if involves words, marketing, and helping you reach YOUR people with SEO friendly words that still actually sound like you, then there's a good chance we're a good fit to work together.

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10 Tips to Massively Improve Your Content

Tired of so-so content? Or cough ,cough no content at all because you're so overwhelmed? Then this is the place to get started! As a *Professional* copywriter, these are 10 things I fix in my client's content all the time.